
I constantly burp all day and feel bloated. I've had this problem ever since I vomited after eating bad food.?

by  |  earlier

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In march 2008, about 5 months ago now, I went to Cuba. There I had a small bite of a what appeared to be a cake, but when I put it in my mouth, it tasted like wax. Stupidly I swallowed it, and that night I vomited. Since then, I have been constantly burping all day and feeling bloated. At night, it gets particularly bad when I lie down. I have had a blood test to see if there is an infection and this has come up negative. I have been prescribed ranitidine tablets which have helped but have not cured it. Does anyone know what this problem is?




  1. you could try that friendly bacteria stuff

  2. i burp  a lot. and fill bloated.that's because i have gastric reflux.see your of luck.

  3. Get a good probiotic from the pharmacy - I suggest Udo's Super 8 (not cheap but about the best). Make sure it's been stored in the fridge and you do the same. You may need to take it for 3 or 4 weeks before you notice an improvement.

    Basically the balance of your intestinal flora has almost certainly been upset and needs restoring. If that doesn't work then see a homeopathic doctor.

  4. You are describing gastritis, an irritation of the stomach.  Burping, burning and bloating are all symptoms.

    You should see a Gastroenterologist and have an endoscope (they sedate you and run a fiber optic cable down your esophagous to see what's going on).  It's painless and quick.  You don't even know they did it except for a minor sore throat a few days.

    Gastritis can also be treated with drugs if an aggressive approach is used.  Good luck with your Dr.

  5. I had this too once many years ago.  Keep on with the Ranitidine, but if it just isn't helping, go back to your doctors. You will probably get Losec, which is stronger but you can only take for a short while.  I had a camera down my throat (under mild aneathetic) which found inflammation of the oesophageous.  Sleep with your head well elevated on lots of pillows to help with the reflux (burping).  Make mental note to self - avoid anything foreign that 'looks like food' till you have established whether or not it is food.  And then probably avoid it anyway.      

  6. You have some residual poisoning of the stomach which is causing bacterial action and gas. The reason it gets worse as you lie down is probably due to ulceration where the stomach wall has been damaged and the acidic fluids aggravate it. As well as the prescribed medicine, drink plenty of water and milk and avoid spicy foods.

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