My self esteem has lowered so much.... and idk why, but i think it has to do with my cousins.. or maybe just my pessimistic way of thinking.
My cousins are a lot fairer than me and are the good looking ones in the family. I am a lot darker, and I constantly think I'm ugly. My cousins started reading the Quran earlier, and idk why, but I started relli late, and idk if I'm jealous... but I ALWAYS have to hear my aunt sing praises of my cousins.
I've been through alot, and I've always believed that I was never given as much attention as I needed as a child. When I cried no one was there. I feel, to this day, that I'm unloved, and uncared for. No one ever praises me, never did, and when people say mean & bad things about my I believe them. I know I'm jealous of my cousins.. but what am I supposed to do? I've never felt as if ANYONE cared. I just can't wait for ccollege... I want to move out so bad..
No one ever listens to me... I cry alone. Always. I love my parents, but they have hurt me so much, and still don't know what they have done. My mum has done so much to me... she's taken all my friends away, made me feel isolated, and I see not one sign of remorse. She's poisened by brain with bad stuff about my dad.... which resulted in my awkaward relantionship with my dad. I have no friends. I'm alone. I cry almost every day..... and no one ever tells me to stop..I cry alone..
My cousins are always looked upon as the nicer ones...
I feel as if Allah hates me... i started Quran late, and now everyone looks down upon me...I feel like a bad person... As with myself, I always pick out the faults in other people to make myself feel good.
I want to inshallah become a hafiz or an aalima... but idk.
I can't ever seem to establish my prayer, and I know, I'm jealous of my cuz's when I shouldn't be, and I always am negative, but why can't anyone see that my heart is pure?
I'm really just a lost soul. I feel as if no one cares... and everyone just see's the negative in me..
Am I really that bad?
I'm sorry if I bored you with my problems but I needed to let all of this out...