
I constantly have a rumbly stomach, and i get bloated and feel sick alot in my stomach?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know what it is buts its getting worse, and ive been to a doctor,

but i suppose it wasnt enough information.

has anyone had these symtoms.. if so.. whatd id you have?

thanksyou :)




  1. I suffered from being bloated for years.  Went from one doctor to another looking for help.  Finally an alternative health provider suggested I might have a Candida infection.

    You might want to consider looking into this in your case.  The main complaint from sufferers is gas and bloating.

    To get more info check out:

  2. if it happens with food (let's say milk) could be you aren't digesting some of it, there comes the rumble. Of course it can be associated with your period or stress. Other cause very frequent here in USA would be gluten intolerance (celiac disease). You should check with a Gastroenterologist.

  3. u could have food poisning or u could also have stomach flue

  4. i might sound stupid but maybe you are getting your period? lol sorry i wasnt much help

  5. i had that...but i think i was causing it by not eating right...not eat enough...and being nervous all the time. im learning to control my panic i've been feeling better in general. also when i get my period i feel that way.

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