
I constantly have really creepy dreams, and i'm sick of them. any way to end them?

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last summer they got so bad, I was actually scared of falling asleep. They don't occur as frequently during the school year, probably because I sleep a lot less (usually, 6 hours if i'm lucky), but every summer they always come back.

Sometimes it rains blood, sometimes there's a stalker in my backyard, sometimes I'm lost and no one is around at all. I've almost killed myself in some of my dreams (i hang myself, but the noose breaks before i die, or i wake up before I actually die, etc.), sometimes there's dark beings on the loose, or people i know will morph in front of me into freakish beings.

Even when I was little, my dreams were all nightmares--neighbors turning evil and trying to kill me, family members turning into dust before my eyes, inanimate objects taking on twisted lives of their own, skeletons would rise from the ground, grow flesh, and begin to attack.

I don't watch horror movies/read horror books/etc. Why are all my dreams so creepy, and how come none of them are good?




  1. interesting I have had the exact same problems since I was born

    did something really shocking happen to you (someone get killed infront of you ect.) it could also be something mental I go to sleep and average of 3 sometimes 7 if another living things is around such as a pet. And I have constant nightmares I have never had a regular dream just to let you know your not alone ;P

  2. I know how it feels... i had this nightmare where these two girls are just staring at me in the dark....

    Back to the topis     I said it before somewhere, I am NOT an expert but I will try my best.  I donno... possibilities are if you go to sleep late it might happen. Talk to your friends about it, sleep with a teddy bear (it helped me O_O), think about happy things all day long(romantic things work), and I'm not sure if this'll work, but no matter how scared u r, in yor dream, try shouting  "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!!" yell if you could, think they are just little preschoolers trying to freak you out. You could scream, swear(if u need to), but NEVER say you're scared! Win out your own fear!!

    Sorry if my answers didn't help.. but GOOD LUCK!!  I'LL CHEER ON!! ^ ^

  3. Logical Answer: What do you eat before you go to bed?

         Is anything in your life scary?.. Maybe you should start watching horror movies as an outlet. That are try yoga.

    Paranormal: Have you lived in the same house since a child?

        Could be a poltergeist or demon or just bad energy.

    But since it takes place alot in the summer and not so much year round it might just be that your bored.  You could try writing story's about your dreams. Or pick up a summer job .. just something to pre-occupy your self with.

    But don't rule out spirits or little green aliens either. In a world of infinite possibility anything is likely to happen.

  4. There could be a lot of different things going on with you.

    You could be emotionally overloaded, there could be negative energy in your house (test this by sleeping elsewhere to see if dreams stop)...

    I recommend that you don't eat anything 3 hours before bedtime. There are conclusive studies that show how digestion can upset the brain during sleep, inducing nightmares.

    Before you go to bed, say a prayer or do something relaxing and meditative.

    This might sound silly to you, but make sure that the head of your bed is at the North and your feet are pointing to the South. This is a Feng Shui technique I use, because the energy of the planet moves from N to S. If you're faced E to W, the energy moves through you at a funny angle and can upset people who are more sensitive to such things.

    Write your dreams down... journal them, especially with your left hand. It might be hard for you to write, but by doing this, you're invoking the right hemisphere of your brain which is creative and controls the dreams. You'll find that the things you write are different and more insightful.

    If you want to know what any of the symbols in your dream mean, go to

    Know that recurring dreams are nothing more than your brain trying to get you to pay attention to something. So, pay attention to your dreams.

    Try to take control of them with Lucid Dreaming... instructions are at, also.

    Remember, you're not alone. I've gone through things like this before... although they were not quite as severe as yours.

    Good luck!

  5. Most of my dreams are the same way. I just live with it.

  6. i randomly have dreams like that, it depends what you do before you go to sleep. try listening to some of your favorite songs before going to bed, get into the music. sometimes you can take control in your dreams, gave myself the ability to fly mid dream because strange people were following me, i was mad when i woke up though

  7. Try to confront whatever it is without using any of the mechanisms you have developed to wake your self.  Sit it out basically.  Typically there will be a point in dreams that you realize you are dreaming and once you recognize that point you will have more control in your dream.  A bit like lucid dreaming.

  8. this may sound wierd, but I had the same problem, waking up my family shrieking in my sleep from horrible nightmares. I tried sleeping in my living room and it stopped. Back in my room- more nightmares. I slept in different rooms for a month and when I finally went back they were gone. May not work, but worth a try.

    As for why you have the dreams?.....

  9. is there something bothering you or scaring you? Dreams usually are our outlet to life and concerns that we unable to express or we don;t even they exist in our life. Can you talk to an adult-your parents to try to take to a counselor to get to the bottom of this? May i also suggest a Sleep Specialist. Nightmares occur with lack of sleep and it cause parnoia because your brain is not going to the REM which the deepest stage of sleep to cause the brain and body to recharge. In REM, you don't remember dreams like the other stages. The Sleep Specialist will have sleep one night and monitors your brain waves to see to what level you are going to sleep-if this the case it can help you. Good luck !

  10. It sounds like you have grown up with a lot of fear and anxiety in your life and your fear is overflowing into your dreams. They may not be from just one traumatic event in your life but just your day to day anxiety is building up and finding release in your dreams. Try drinking some camomel teas or other calming herbs before you go to bed.

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