I'm only 17, but I make about $700 during the summer, and about $2400 (starting this month on) per year with my job, plus $750 for babysitting. So about $3850 per year. I'm a senior in HS, so I now have to look for colleges and paying tuition and whatnot. I dont have a car, but I know I'll need one soon.
Anyway, I normally try to save as much money as I can. Without the $2400/per year job, I could save about $1000-$1200 per year. But I'm always so worried about money. We arent really rich in my family, but I've learned to stretch what I have to get the most out of it. This being said, it will be difficult to pay for the car and college come the time. So I'm trying to be as responsible as possible with my spending.
On the other hand, I love to buy little things for myself especially books and movies. I'll buy one of each a book and movie or two per month on top of some of the things that I need (ink for my printer... just stuff that comes up). But everytime I do spend it, I get worried that I'm wasting my money and I'm being careless. I'm always stressed about this stuff and dont want to be because I feel like I'm being cheap, and that just makes me feel even worse. I think being cheap is terrible, but my worries make me feel like this.
Are my worries for nothing? Can I be a little more loose with my money without feeling bad about it? I mean, I'm trying to even it out by saying that I'll have a great job some day and the money I spend now wont matter. So I shoudl try to enjoy myself. Can someone help me even this problem out?