
I converted to Judaism. How do I get out of it?

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When I converted to Judaism, I thought that after I went in the mikveh that the hazing would end. But it hasn't; when Jews found out I converted, they treat me differently. I can't imagine spending the rest of my life being treated as an outsider. But I'm worried that now I have to do all these things or I'll be punished after I die. What can I do?




  1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  John 14:6 Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by Me."  

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  2. I  think there is one God...for Jews, Christians, Muslems, everyone...Find a religion you are comfortable with. God loves

  3. Allow me to help: I spent a year-long course on the subject of conversions to Judaism.

    First thing to make clear is that the Mikveh and other requirements are not hazing.

    Based on the precedent of Annanias Ha Ger, we can derive that Jewish born citizens are not legally allowed to treat a convert differently in any matter of religious practice. Citing this, I promise, will earn the respect of even the most Orthodox Jew.

    A key point which you may have missed is that the truely Orthodox have a very, very long process. You may think you have fully converted while you havn't by their guidelines. Check on that.

    I wish I payed more attention in class...

    To answer your question simply, converting out will have no heavenly repurcussions.

    *However* You should think about finding a different religious community. Such practices as the ones described if you are indeed fully converted (a process which can take over a year depending on the sect) are antiquated. Judiasm would have missed a great addition if you fled our people over the community.

    Best luck and Wishes.

  4. please stop lying.

    1) the mikveh and things up to that point are not hazing.and nobody who had been through them would think they are.

    2) there are laws in Judaism against prejudice against Jewish people who converted.  none but extremist groups that are far out on the fringe, if at all, have any issue with converts.  so no, they do not treat you different.

    3) Judaism does not believe in a h**l or other such punishment. if you had converted or anything like that, you'd know that.

    geeze. some people.

  5. nope

  6. I am astonished by your comment. If you want contact me. i would like to know the real truth about your case.

  7. most synagogues i know are very accepting of outsiders maybe you should switch synagogues because i would guess you maybe pissed off the head j*p

    judaism has no concept of h**l either if that helps

  8. Your lying.  

    You are just bashing on Jews.  Welcome to the world of hate.  You've found your passport.

    First off no convert would be so unknowledgeable to think your going to be "punished after you die".   Second, you'd know the answers & have gotten them already during your conversion learning.  Third, converts are treated with lots of respect.  (Then there's 4th, 5th, etc.)


    Now there's a Joe J (Mary M, Joe J), posting the same question with more bashing, both accounts started today.  Hum.

    Here's the ONLY other of Mary's questions:

    Why does everyone hate me?

    Is the occasional accident normal?

    Is it normal for teenagers to still have accidents?

    Helping kids' self-esteem?

    Talking to kids about goodnites?

    I converted to Judaism. How do I get out of it?

    Joe J was obsessed with bed wetting.  Something seem fishy here?

  9. I agree with Lchaim. You wait till us Jews are not online to do offensive questions.

  10. I see you've learned enough to know better than to post such an offensive question during Shabbat when no observant Jews use the computer!

    Go spread your lies in some other category.

    Reform Jew-by-choice


  11. This is nonsense.  No branch of Judaism treats converts as outsiders in any way, with the just possible exception of some very small ultra-Orthodox groups - but I can't believe you would have got involved with such a group unknowingly.  

    I also do not believe you can have gone through any Jewish conversion process that leaves you believing that you're going to be punished after you die, beyond a possible 'up to a year', which is pretty vague anyway.  This is a Christian concept, and you come over as a Christian with a grudge against Jews who wants to stir up hate.

  12. How is it you know NOTHING about Judaism, if you have converted?

    How is it you don't know there is NO 'hazing', NOT EVER, in Judaism?

    How is it you don't know that in Judaism there is NO 'punishment'?

    Your post does not make any sense whatsoever.

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