The ones in parenthesis are corrected by me.
Hi xxxx,
And I'm so interested in Obama's Facebook. As you say (=said), reading that script (=type of writing) would be great way to improve my (English reading) skills. My current priority is x*x who is my language exchange partner. He sends E-mail (almost) everyday (these days). We had a chat last Saturday, which was so useful to know our incomplete knowledge. You can rest assured that (->because) I am okay with the incident (=the thing happen to me) last week. I've been doing pretty well. I appreciate your advice. By the way, (I wonder if I) can I visit your place tomorrow (on Wednesday)? I'd like to do exercise (=work out) at (your) gym (fitness room) and use(go to) Jacuzzi as I miss Japanese (bathhouse / public) bath a little.
See you soon,