
I could'nt move?

by Guest63459  |  earlier

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well i went to sleep at 3 and at 3:15 i cud smell cigarette smoke..i thought it was my roommate so i opened ma eyes but saw that he too was fast asleep on the bed next to mine..i trie to wake him up but cud not move a single inch from ma bed nor could i speak anything...i felt something hard pressing on me I stayed in this state for abt 15 mins and suddenly everything became normal




  1. It is possible that you had a 'vivid' dream, more real than real but still just a dream.  Also you may have rolled over releasing an arm that became numb, causing you to lose sensation and the ability to move it.  Dreams occur in cycles throughout the night, where REM sleep increases with each cycle and may also become more and more vivid (until the last dream which is the only one remembered).

  2. You did not experience anything paranormal. You experienced sleep paralysis. A sleep disorder in which you feel something heavy is on your chest and cannot move. If it persists you should see a doctor. It is nothing more than a very vivid dream in which you swear you are awake. The reason you cannot move is you are still asleep.


  3. call mulder.

  4. Dont sleep after you have your food (heavy lunch or dinner),

    and never go to bed exactly after smoking.

  5. sounds like sleep paralysis to me...we have all had that happen at one time or the other.

  6. Its called astro projection look it up.

  7. Maybe it really was sleep paralysis. What I want to know is what causes sleep paralysis.There MUST be a scientific/biological explanation. Hopefully , one of the skeptics will explain it to us.

  8. yes, its called sleep paralysis. i have had it a few times. you are awake but you cant move or talk, and sometime you cannot breath anymore. this only lasted( for me) about 10-15 seconds, then i could move again. no idea why this happens, though. but when it happens to me i become claustophobic and this makes it worse. maybe this website will help:

    hope this helps :)

  9. Its called "Sleep Paralasis" are most likely in that stage between sleep and awake.

    If you relax ... you can come out of your body and Astral Project.

    Check out this Astral Projection website.  You can read and ask questions.


  10. you were asleep

  11. Are you sure you weren't still asleep? It's hard telling what it could be. Have you been extra stressed lately?

  12. i think it was Sleep Paralysis it is very common.

  13. Sounds like sleep paralysis. I don't know about the cigarette smoke though. Might come from outside?

    On the other hand it might've been paranormal. You were held down by a spirit and smelled smoke.. just like emily rose =]

  14. sleep disorder. dude that's all sleep paralysis.

  15. Not at all uncommon. Most people suffer such disturbed sleep from time to time.

    Why do you think it lasted about 15 minutes? It may have seemed that long but it was probably more like a matter of seconds.

    If it occurs often you should see your doctor as it could be resulting from some form of breathing difficulty, such as Sleep Apnoea.

  16. what you have descibed sounds like sleep paraylsis....look it up and see if it makes sense to you.......

  17. Sleep Paralysis.

    Its quite common and often very scary (sometimes you imagine an old witch pressing down on you and smothering you). The reason is simple though - when we sleep a part of our brain shuts off our movements, otherwise we'd all act out our dreams in real life (like sleepwalking).

    Sleep paralysis happens when your brain wakes up, but your body is still 'asleep'. Its just a synchronisation problem which happens occasionally. Its quite normal and nothing to worry about. Its happened to me a few times.

  18. You have described sleep paralysis.  Check it out.  It's important that you understand this is a natural phenomenon with a natural explanation.  That way you don't fall back on the bad habit of using magical thinking to find an explanation for this and anything else you can't immediately explain or understand.

  19. Somebody took advantage of you when you were you sleep.

  20. it's confusin, people often feel paralyzed when scared, But I have often felt I was awake but couldn't move too, and that is a state of sleep in which eventually u come out of, freaky but happens, so I couldn't say if it was paranormal, but ghosts often communicate through scent
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