
I could not find the proper Dutch spelling. Do you like it anyway?

by  |  earlier

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I’ve tried several times

to position you properly,

“Brunette with heart akimbo”

Just like in that coffee table book,

“Why People Paint Cats?”

How can I have

the perfect picture of you?

I try very hard,

but I keep getting

Escher’s “Hand met die speigalende bol.”

You are so difficult

to undertake, with your

wondering soul and unmistakable

disdain for the ordinary. I will

read you again.





  1. George is too shy to pose and Grace can't resist the temptation to flip me a bird...sigh.

  2. having a dutch friend check out the spelling

  3. I don't do Danish, but I know a much better book about cats. It is titled: "Pavlov's Cat: Poems and Other Stories" and can be found on It paints cats with words.

  4. Enjoy the "reading."  Immersing oneself in something can prove therapeutic.

  5. "Hi!",

    I enjoy a good book with a cup of coffee and this page was quite enjoyable to read.

    Cheers : )

  6. I never understood coffee table books...Wouldn't it be rude to sit and read while others converse around the coffee table?

    I don't understand Dutch either. Hand me the what???

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