
I couldn't help but notice, but..Where is everybody? ?

by Guest63677  |  earlier

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I don't see some of my favorite people here anymore.

Whats going on? Is everyone on a end of summer holiday or what?

Where are you guys....?




  1. I stole them all then came back to laugh bout it.

    muwhahahhahaaha.... better to ask questions in a place that you dont get reported for asking and a place to get truthful answers that arent reported cause they 'hurt feelings'


  2. A lot of the adults got tired of all the trolls and snerts.  They basically found other places to go where they could share their horse knowledge without the problems.  It's sad that a few make it tough on the rest.


    :::Grabs one of John's spoons and pokes at a troll or two.  Hands spoon back to John and looks innocent:::

  3. Idk...

    I noticed that too... I think everyone is back in school or college. I am only here because I have the whole day off from work. (:

    Edit: I will also be leaving for college soon but I doubt anyone will notice or miss me here. =(

    Ps. Welcome to Y!A Hoofprints!

    I just noticed that too... What does that stand for anyways? Maybe its an inside joke?? That's a good question!

  4. Yeah and I think I'm one of the only males that got stole away. Its fun to be picked on by a bunch of women MUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, I know I still lurk around like the creepy guy at the park. Haha

    Edit- Hey John, I could see you actually do that. And the resulting mayhem.

  5. Some of the 'usuals' have found other places to go where they aren't heckled by whinny trolls who don't like hearing the truth. It is sad that some very knowledgeable people have left here due to a few ignorant tweenies, but it is a constant downer to be reported and bashed for trying to share your knowledge and experience. There are the few on here that appreciate their insight and take on things... But it is all the rest that ruin it for those.

  6. I'm still lurking around watching for anything interesting to crop up.

    Just got sick of silly kids and the Troll invasion.

    Wanted a chance to chat and  share ideas without them and without Y/A BS

    Edit> no thumbs no V/Ns no B/As and not a single Troll


  7. Sadly, I am back to school...*sigh* At least it's my senior year!!! ^_^

  8. perhaps people found something more productive to do, or they are getting sick of the non-stop name opinion questions as i am..

  9. I'm yet another 'lurker'...I expect my 'addicted to yahoo badge' to disappear any day.  Big woo.

    Tired of the same old tweenie questions and being reported for actual real life experience and knowledge.  And treating my horses.

    We have found a place where there are no trolls.  and we can actually 'discuss' questions without being reported for chatting.  Or reported at all...

    There are still interesting questions here, so I check in now and again.  I'm hoping this board will change with school getting back in session...

  10. Well i am probably not who you are looking for LOL, but i am here, i start school on tuesday. Lots of people are really busy this time of year. If they have a kid, they are getting ready for back to school, and if they are a kid, or college person, then they are in school :)

    WAIT: what types of questions are all the experts waiting for? I mean really what questions are the ones that they want to hear. just would like to know cause i wouldnt like to ask a dumb sounding question without knowing it.


  11. We are now lurking and sitting back and not in the dirty voyeur kind of way.  

  12. Not that anyone misses me, i come to this section because i like most of the people here, didn't say all but most...I'm normally in the relationship section but hey you get bored with the same ole same ole, at least i can learn something new here.

    I have noticed people will play for a while then find something new...People get tired of seeing the same question so it may look like they are not here but they are just not answering.  The troll thing sent a few away, when school was out the kiddos came out to play.  People have lives other than Answers, i run a horse rescue and have gotten a few crazy beast in, i need to get them trained so i can get them in a home.  My partner (business) hurt herself and she was our head trainer so i have been picking up the slack, I'm tired, i come in the house and my brain doesn't work for being in the sun.

    The will be back, they may have needed a breather...Or in Answers a coffee break. LOL  

  13. same......Meh

    trolls and juveniles just get annoying....Im lurking in the background and answer when someone asks an intelligent question, I actually lost my top contributor status because I refused to continue to answer idiot questions.  

  14. Home Pregnancy TestS. . .

  15. I would LOVE to tell you that I've been away because I was busy flying cross country in my gold-plated private jet, but that would be untrue.  (My private jet is bronze).  I am lurking, though I don't know if I qualify as one of your favorite people, bwahaha.  

    EDIT:  Hoofprints said:

    "Hunting Pesky Trolls Society?

    Horse People Taking Sides?

    Hoping Pubescent Trolls Scram?

    Harassing Potential Trolls and Snerts?

    Horse People Tolerating Stupidity?

    Horse People Talking Shop?"

    LOL these are great, I like!

  16. I'm going back to school but my last account got suspended for no reason. I don't swear, be rude, e.t.c.. It ticks me off!

  17. I am fairly new here and I noticed it too. People gone missing, that is.

    I came to y/a from another horse forum that was plagued by similar problems. Do you think the "plaguer's" just jump from site to site with the goal of driving everyone off just for their own amusement?

    Pretty juvenile if you ask me.

    I was hoping this one would be different, but I guess there is no escaping it.

    That puts those of us in the position of grown "brass ones" if we want to stick around.

    Edit to Calm - Thanks for the welcome. Its nice to be here!

    BTW - now its bugging me too-WHAT does HPTS stand for?

    Come on people....we're dying here  lol!

    Ok. If you guys are gonna force me to guess, I will. But I warn you, it won't be here goes.

    Hunting Pesky Trolls Society?  

    Horse People Taking Sides?

    Hoping Pubescent Trolls Scram?

    Alright ... I give up !!!

    Wait, I got more:

    Harassing Potential Trolls and Snerts?

    Horse People Tolerating Stupidity?

    Horse People Talking Shop?

    Come on people throw me a bone!

  18. John!  There you are!!!!  Been wonderin about ya!  

    Yup! many of us got sick of (_?_) kids like Tennessee Cowgirl, horse_luvr_4vr (or whatever) & ALL of the other idiots on here who lie & ask moronic childish questions.  Then when you answer a good question, they get their buddies to thumbs down people they don't like & they report the answers & questions.  Just really sick of it.  Still lurking though.

    Found a place for people with "real" horses, "real" questions & "real" experiences & knowledge to share.  Unlike those mentioned above amongst others.

  19. I'm really curious to know where this place you discribe exists, AM Boss Tom Cat Wherever it is, can I come!! hehe

    And What the HECK does HPTS stand for??!! I'm just as lost as you Hoofprints! Is it....

    Horse People Troll Stomping?

    Harry Pesky Trolls Scram?

    I want to know!!! lol

  20. i am just waiting for all the gunsmoke to clear but most just had enough of the little ones and backed away for a while.besides i am a tough old saddle tramp who enjoys poking badgers with spoons.

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