
I couldn't take it any more... help?

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. ok.overal; i say im a good person. i care for others , i share. nd i always give others the better of everything, so why do i live wtih a crazy b****. i treat my sister with respect, i never bother her. but borrow her clothes, but thats natural, so why is she so cruel. all she does is push me around degrade me and call me things im not.(for example : she ripps and throws my clothes outside, trashes my room and always has to degrade me and push me aside when ever i see her around the house.) i been avoiding these mental physical nd emotional abuse for 15 years now. and i had enough. yesterday we got into a big fight and i ended up choking her and litterally crying out why cant you just ... die




  1. it could be anything, girl. she could be jealous for whatever reason (even if it seems like she's the one who has it all, there's always something to be jealous about. i know coz i have always been envious of my little brother even though I'm the one who always gets everything bigger, better and more expensive). she could be trying to show you who's boss so she feels better and stronger about herself coz she might be bullied (now or as a child) at school. she might think you'll step all over her if she isn't strict with you, so she's trying to keep you scared so you don't "get out of line". have you talked to your parents about this? perhaps if they knew they could talk to her about it and find out the reason. does she do all this when they're not around? if they have no idea and think she's perfect and would never do that then write something in your diary (if you have one) and leave it laying around for them to read and see how miserable you are. if none of the above is an option then you HAVE to confront her. if asking politely why she does it doesn't work, then try doing to her what she does to you. see if she likes it! its a desperate measure but you never know. with some people desperate are the only measures that work.  

  2. she may be jealous of u with ur parents eg. she thinks ur more loved or the favourite.have u tries talking 2 ur parents about this?they may be able 2 help.she sounds like shes got other emotional issues,maybe worth exploring?

  3. I understand how you feel as im 14(a girl) aswell with a 17year old sister...i think you and your sister could do with a little break away from each other..seing though you are with eachother most days... your sister is proberly just at that age..but i accept she will regrett it sooner or later.. but dont forgive easy !! as for what she done to you/ doing.

    i think you did the right thing by having a big fight because i think your sister felt a bit sorry for you but just didnt admit it and she knows what shes doing to you is wrong and nasty.saying nasty things to her will make her relise how imporant and nice person you are to her..

    what i would suggest is writing her a note saying you cant take it no more.. and all u want to for you both to act like sisters.

    ive said some horrible things 2 my sister..we both have !!! its normal !!

    good luck and i hope that helps :)


  4. maybe she is jelouse of you, i know it sounds horrible and unlikely to you, but it seems like the only reason for the horrible behavior. I know you are hurting inside, but try sitting her down (if possible)  and CALMLY tell her how you feel... what ever you do dont scream or yell at her. or if you cant do that, try telling your parents about it. maybe they can help.

  5. Therre's more to this situation than meets the eye .... it's been going on for years - if not all your life ..... You don't say who is the eldest and so it's a little more difficult to try to understand where she might be coming from .... However the bottom line is there is some sort of envy/jealousy or feeling of loss on her part that she sees you as her punching bag, opposition or threat .... she may feel pushed out herself and so is passing it on to the next one - you .... Whatever her reasons you won't find out unless you two can sit down and talk .... obviously you can't do this yourselves .... so speak to your parents, a neighbour, friends - to find someone who can act as a mediator between you .... someone you trust will stay neutral and not take sides, not someone who will offer suggestions - you two need to work out your own way of sorting this out .... and there must be a way to sort it out...... Otherwise, as a last resort, you leave each other alone - inlcuding not touching each other's things .... at worst one of you may consider going to live with a relative .... I'm sure your family is at their wits' end with this situation ...... separation may be what you both need to cool down and think things through properly, with straight heads, and work out what you each need and want from each other, and agree..... then whatever you two decide - you must BOTH stick to it - if either of you want something changed/something's not working out .... then you BOTH go back to the negotiating table ..... If you imagine the world as a family, then feuding and fighting countries are just like you and your sister, and the 'adults' of this family are the ones going to the negotiating table .... THAT'S why we haven't had a third world war - yet.....

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