
I created a celebrity social network on How do I get search engines to find it? ?

by  |  earlier

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I can't find a place to put tags...and I really want this to be searchable. Thanks for your help.




  1. <meta name="keywords" content="" />

    <meta name="description" content="" />

    of course you wont find the meta place to put it... I can help for that if you trust me...

    but first I will try to guide you online... try to open the index page, open it with notepad or dreamweaver to make it easier. Then go to the edit the source code... and input the keywords and description manually.

    if you interested with my offer you can contact me via my IM.

  2. Try to make sure that your "Title Page" has words which describe what you are offering.  Those are the words that show up in blue in a Google Search. /

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