
I created an email for my stepdaughter, using my credit card information. Her mom hacked in. Is that illegal?

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It has been done three seperate times. I created three different email addresses to be used by my step daughter while in my home. In order to create these emails, I had to give my credit card information to show that I was over 18. Each of these emails have been hacked into by my stepdaughter's mother. I don't know if she legally has a right to do it because she is the parent. This is what I need clarification on. I don't think she should be able to because the email accounts belonged to my step daughter and myself, and I was listed as the parental contact since I was the one who provided the cc. HELP!




  1. I think the law would be on her side as she is the parent...the real carer in the eyes of the long as she did not misuse your credit card details then she is within her rights if her child is under 18...I would do the same least I would if my child were under 16...a parent should have access to their childrens computer accounts.

  2. Why in the h**l are you giving credit card info to open an e-mail account? And not once, but 3 times??  Sorry, but even if you had to do it, you should have learned after the first time. Use Gmail.

    Edit:Sorry if your last comment was to me. I did not mean to imply that I thought you were stupid, although I see it could have come across like that.

    First you need to find out how she is doing it. If she only uses these accounts in your home, does her Mom have access to that computer? If your step daughter uses those accounts in Moms house, then technically I believe she can use whatever means she sees fit to monitor her online activities. I'm not saying I think it's right, I'm just saying I think she can do it. She can put a keylogger on her computer and record every password, website, e-mail, etc.

    If Mom is getting the credit card info and buying stuff, call the police. If Mom is just monitoring your step daughter, I'm not sure there is anything you can do other than not use that account unless it's in an environment you control.

  3. well thats a rough one to answer i would suggest calling your local policestation they should have a department that deals with cyber crimes that can give you the information you need

  4. I can't believe with all these free e-mail sites out there you gave credit card info over the internet! Not a wise thing to do my friend.

    I would assume she has the right, since she is the mother.  

  5. I don't think hacking is even legal. If she has the ability to hack, she could get to your personal information.

    Maybe you should confront her about it. If talking with her doesn't work, then talk to your husband about it. Maybe he could get through her.

    Why is she even hacking the accounts anyways?

    Hope that helps. =]

  6. legally, if you were the parental contact, [and im supposing you did this with yahoo], than you are the only one who can access her information besides herself.  But if her mother hacked into it by forging her password or by forging yours, that is  considered invading on private data [ i think].  its not a felony but can get ou removed from yahoo, aol, etc.  Why would she feel it necessary to hack into her daghters account anyway, though?

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