
I cry every night....?

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Hi I am a 13 year old male... Everynight many things go on...

1) My mom EVERY night for about an hour tells me how bad i am, how unorganized I am, yells at me for everything possible. orders everyone around and makes everyone PISSED at her even my friends. we all wanna punch her so badly! This really makes me mad at her for the whole day. and I dont really love school but I hate coming home cause my mom nornamlly picks me up and she is always saying stuff that isnt true like i am mad and such.

2) I havd severe ADHD. I am unorganized and I said I have a mthod that I thinks will help for my school work and they wont let me do it. no matter howm uch i try to convince them they wont let me try my way.

3) My clother. There are ton of perfectly good clothes out there that my mom says are hideous. I am pretty cool and cant wear the clothes she gets me. What I want is the only stutff I want and she hates WHAT EVER i pick out. she is all flwoery and owuld love it if i wore a flowered shirt. when i wanna be wearing like shirts of bands i like.

4) my hair. I likle my hair a certain way and so does everyone else, even my sister. but my mom says its filthy and makes me look emo.... haha not at all. Any way to tell convince her its normal.

5) High expectations. I love saxophone and drums and tennis. they say if i want to play them i have to practice for an hour every day and if i dont they cancel lessons. seriously that is overthe top. im not ASIAN OR ANYTHING.

6) my dad is a hipcrit or w.e he blames me do for doing stuff and he does it he needs to realize to do beetter.

is there anything i can do to pisso f my parents or help with this




  1. yes sweety, here message me on myspace. i bet i csn help.

  2. WAKE UP! Welcome to the teenage life...get ready for 5-6 years of h**l.

    Maybe you're taking what your mom says out of context. Maybe you got a bad grade on something and said you could do better, whereas you translate it as "You suck. You are such a bad person."

    Maybe she doesn't like the bands you listen to. Like if I had a child I would absolutely, positively NOT let him wear something like Marilyn Manson or some death-worshiping band on their shirts. Maybe the flowers are a little too much, but why don't you go for some Polo's or shop for shirts with only one color or stripes across it. Or buy your own clothes.

    What if you are so good, you are good enough to join a super popular orchestra, or be able to compete in the Olympics? They only want to increase your potential. No need for stereotypes, being Asian has nothing to do with it.

    Your 13. The world is out to get you at 13. 13 is the easy part, it's years 14-18 that are hard. Good luck.  

  3. pissing off your parents isnt going to help anything... It sounds to me like you have a normal teenage existence. Sorry

  4. wow     see a psychiatrist!

    Sounds like you need a better family!
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