
I cry for the dumbest reasons!!! how can I not cry

by  |  earlier

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Its so embarrassing, i cry for the dumbest reasons.

Last week I got in a fight, I won and I didn't get hurt AT ALL! but still i broke down crying in front of EVERYONE.

Yesterday, i told my phyciatrist I was tired of therapy and i didn't want to see my therapist and I broke down crying for no reason

Today my mom got me my first car (im 16) and I started crying because it was used.

Later in the day i saw the movie Lion King and I'ved cried every single time i'ved watched it since i was 7 (when simba's dad dies) it was embarassing too because i was babysitting and my 6 year old nephews started laughing at me!!

I cry when I get intimidated

I cry when im scared'

I cry when i do something bad

I cry when I feel like i haven't cried in a while

I cry when i see ''the ring'' because i feel bad that the girl has to live in the well.

Why am I so emotional!!! im sick of it, it comes at the wrong times at the wrong places.

How can i stop being so....wierd




  1. Wow, if you seriously cry that much then I congratulate you on being that emotional.  Being emotional is a pretty good thing.  But as for the crying, maybe you could do something you don't like every time you cry (like eating something you don't like) and maybe you might trick yourself to stop crying.  Or you can cry 'til you can't cry no more.

  2. Embrace your tears; they are real and genuine, unlike most things in the world. They show you have FEELING...depth.

  3. Since youre a teen, it might just be your hormones. I get emotional, but I try desperately to get a better grip on it everytime until VioLa ... Im practically apathetic [im not saying thats GooD, per se]. Try not to get so attached to things. Easy come easy go. This may seem kind of harsh, but get used to it. Bad things will happen, its a part of life. Focus on the good thats going on in the present, worry about the bad when it happens. Grieve [if necessary] then make it a thing of the past. Its over. Continue focusing on the good things going on in your life. Focus on the present. The past will never bring you up or help you reach the future [my opinion].

    The dude might be right ... you could be Emo [which is ToTaLLY aWeSoMe ... look @ my avatar! it looks like me =)  but i usually have a swept bang. im rambling again =/  ]

  4. You're not the only one who cries at the wrong moments.  I've just learned to deal with it.  I don't know if this will help you, but getting out my emotions through writing has helped me.

  5. Well, you are Emo and cant do any thing about it, sometimes there are questions that cant be answered

  6. Its normal.  You are normal.  I used to cry for the dumbest reasons too when i was younger. But you will get tougher as you get older.  Smile!

  7. The problem isn't that you cry a lot. The problem is that you think you shouldn't cry.

    I think you will cry less when you are able to verbalize what's actually happening before you cry. The crying is done IN PLACE OF saying what you really feel. It's OKAY to cry though, because the emotion has to get out somehow or else you'll make yourself sick. Crying is perfectly healthy.

    If someone is telling you you should cry, THEY have the problem, not you.

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