
I cry very very fast, why?

by  |  earlier

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I cry over very little things I don't know why????

Help me please,




  1. you just let your emotions get the better of you, i was and still am a very emotional person, when i was 11 i did experience crying for small things, getting angry etc, , but after growing up, i've got no problem at all, you just need to mature, keep telling yourself. i will not cry, and that's it... you don't need pills or medication at 13 years old, no...

  2. control it man...something trajic happen in ur life?? hah girls prolly gunna think iz hot er sumfin neway that u cry

  3. im 13 and i went through the exact same thing a couple of months ago, its probably got something to do with puberty, don't worry it'll pass eventually

  4. You are going to become a SENTIMENTAL FOOL guy, if you continue this attitude any more.

    There is a saying:

    Laugh while you laugh - cry when necessary - get angry when needed.

  5. You are a looser. Grow some balls and stop crying.  

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