
I currently have a bachelor's degree w/Psychology as my major, what do i need to do next if i want to teach?

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I currently have a bachelor's degree w/Psychology as my major, what do i need to do next if i want to teach?




  1. In WV, you can teach as long as you have a masters degree in almost anything, so you could just get your masters degree.  You could also get an undergrad degree in education.

  2. For public school teaching, each state is different. In California you would need an additional year of grad school to earn a preliminary teaching certificate.  Some areas have intern programs, where you begin teaching work while you get your credential.  The first year of teaching is really challenging, so I wouldn't recommend this route unless you have other experience teaching.  

    The requirements for teaching in a private school are set by the individual schools.

  3. Rethink your choice!

  4. Every state has different requirements.  Here is a link for Florida.  Check out the Department of Education for the state you want to teach in.  I also did not have a degree in teaching.  Mine was in business.  You might want to become a substitute teacher first.  It is hard, but schools will get to know you and it might be easier to find a job.  When I first switched careers, nobody wanted me because I had no experience.  They all said start subbing first.  One school finally gave me a chance and hired me with NO experience.  The first year was rough but I made it and am now going on my fifth year.

  5. Find a college that offers a master's with teaching certification.

  6. Contact the education department of a college in the state where you want to teach.  They can tell you the requirements for that state....and they should be able to tell you if their 'education certification' is accepted in other states - and if so, which states will accept it.

    Second route,  Call up the State Education department of your state....ask if they have any program to facilitate someone who already has a degree becoming a teacher.

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