
I currently have cameras wired in my home which activate when motion is seen.?

by  |  earlier

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Each camera only records when motion is sensed but it is sent to an online history bank which is not erasable. I would like to know a way in which I can "beat the system" or make it so the cameras see the same thing all day and I cant be seen somehow. Any answers would be great! Thanks.




  1. 1.  Get any ordinary surveilance camera.  You just need to decide if you want analog (video) connections or digital (computer network) connections.

    2.  Connect all the cameras to a computer.  On the computer put a surveilance program like Stealth Big Brother.

    3.  In the program set it to record whenever motion is detected.

    4.  Fooling the system depends on the type of camera and the settings in the software.  Look up optical camoflauge.  The video is NOT a camera trick.

  2. You aren't up to anything illegal, are you?

    Seen this in some spy movie - a guy robbing an art gallery took a polaroid photo of the room from the camera's vintage point and used some sort of a holding bracket (he had it with him) to place the picture right in front of the camera so that it looked at the photograph, not at actual room - then proceeded, while security in the monitoring room looked at a motionless gallery....

    You get the idea, right?

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