
I currently have iritis. Will some of these floaters go away when the iritis clears?

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I was also diagnosed with Adie's pupil and corneal edema. There is also some blood vein growth in my eye that I am getting checked out.

Thankfully this is only in my right eye. At times, I only have peep holes through my floaters.




  1. If they are ACTUALLY floaters... then NO.. you will always have them.  Floaters are used in different ways.  If it is just a stress related spot in your vision that appears every so often it is not a floater.  BUT if you have been told by an Ophthalmologist that you have floaters it is a collection of matter built up inside of your eye.  it is not harm full per-say to your eye but they way you are describing it, it sounds bad for your vision.

  2. i wouldnt believe anyone who recommended a doctor that they couldnt spell the name of ("ophthalmologist").

    an optometrist is fine to treat iritis.  i do it literally weekly.  steroid eyedrops and homatropine.

    and it depends on whats causing the floaters.  if its CELLS in your vitreous (iridocyclitis), then yes the floaters will go away when the condition resolves.  

    if the floaters are regular garden-variety collagen-condensation vitreal floaters, then NO, the drops wont help them resolve.

  3. These spots you see in your vision are inflamation cells that should go away as you heal. Your Ophthalmologist should hit you pretty hard with drops. If you are only seeing an optometrist, go to a real doctor, an Ophhalmologist.

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