
I currently play tennis with my right hand, but I tried playin with my left hand today should I make a switch?

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This was my first day plain seriously with my left when I was rallying about 50% percent of my lefty forehands were going over the net and I mean with some spin ALOT of spin, I dont know why there isnt as much spin with my right hand though. ANY lefties out pleas help me I just cant volley or serve with my left hand if I could get that down I will most likely switch, any advise on serving and volleying with my left hand? But remember this was one of my first days...




  1. well always have your hand that your good with first and then if u want to practice more with your left then its no harm in that. But keep in mine u might need to practice more. good luck

  2. Your best bet is to just keep practicing with your left hand and if it gives you the necessary elements for serving and volleying then keep at it. But if using your right hand makes you feel more comfortable then switch back to sing the right. I'm a lefty but I play with my right hand because I'm an aggressive player and I couldn't get the necessary power I wanted to generate with my left hand so my coach had me switch to playing righty and I got what I needed to suit my game. Basically just keep practicing and see which one makes you feel the most comfortable, that's the only way you'll figure it out.

  3. Well you should play with you're best hand.You always want to do good in sports.Use you're best playing hand.Who knows. You can practice with you're other hand and you can get better.

  4. Personally, I would stick with my right hand. I think it would be hard and frustrating to make the switch, and there's the possibility you may regret changing it later if you suddenly hit a rough spot with your shots.

    But if you feel playing lefty will really help you, then go for it. The only advice that I can give you is to just practice serves and volleys a lot, and you'll eventually get it down.

  5. You're going to have to spend a lot of time hitting against a backboard to get strength and control in your left hand.  There is a slight advantage to being lefty because righties play against righties most of the time, but if you're playing well as a righty I don't know why you would switch.

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