
I currently renting a duplex and found out the owner may be going in foreclosure, What can i do?

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I currently renting a duplex and found out the owner may be going in foreclosure, What can i do?




  1. You need to find another place to live. This will protect you and keep you out of a mess.

  2. start looking for a new place. that's about it...

  3. Until title to the house changes, you remain obligated under lease unless your landlord chooses to release you.  If he's hard up for money, it's doubtful he will release you.  If the property is foreclosed, the bank will contact you.  You may be permitted to stay or you may be asked to leave.  Sometimes, the bank will make a cash for keys offer in which you agree to move out by a certain date for a cash payment.

    Why not talk to the landlord and see what's going on?

  4. Disagree with maxmom.  

    You need to talk to a lawyer because you have legal rights, even when the landlord defaults.  Many law schools have free landlord/tenant clinics that might be able to help.

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