
I cut my baby daddy in self defense what are my rights?

by  |  earlier

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We got into a dispute and he started physically abusing me and out of defense I cut him with a box cutter.




  1. "I cut my baby daddy in self defense what are my rights?"

    The most ghetto phrase ever spoken? I believe so.

  2. You have the right to an attorney.  If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you by the court at no cost to you.  If you have a child you need to stop being ghetto and strive to improve yourself for your child's sake.  You need to grow up and don't have any more babies until you do.  You need a better class of friends including your "baby daddy".  You need an education.  You need to consider what will happen to your child if you go to prison.  You should dump him.  You should have called 911 like an adult instead of resorting to gutter behavior.   Don't do this to your child.

  3. wow. just say you feared for your life and that was the closet thing you could grab to defend yourself.  

  4. You have the right to be silent anything you do can be held against you in a Court of law. If you can not afford an attorney one will be appointed to you. LOL


  5. You have the right to never use the idiotic phrase "baby daddy"

  6. If it's out of defense it's legal. However, you'll have to prove that. For example if he tries to say that you attacked him and he never touched you, and he has scars to prove it and you are spotless, and there are no witnesses to the incident...that's a problem for you. However he'll have to prove that the scar was inflicted by you and that what you are saying is wrong, which, again, without witnesses is almost impossible. So, most likely it will be dropped. However, I do suggest you get a restraining order against the man, since he is willing to hurt you. The police will also confront him about that if you do, so it's a good idea. Getting the law involved and being the first one to let them know he abused you will help with custody battles later on as well. Abusive parents aren't given any rights, and don't worry about cutting him, if it was self defense, you have nothing to worry about and the cops will take care of it. We're not as dumb as you think.  

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