
I cut my freckles/moles top skin off until it bleeds and scabs and comes off?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone else do this? Like, you know how freckles/moles are brown? I just use nail scissors or clippers and make cuts in them until they come off and bleed. I like to see the blood. Is this normal? :\




  1. Dude your wierd, really messed up

  2. Lol. Are you trying to be different or "unique"? You obviously know it's a little out of the ordinary if you're asking this question. Just continue cutting your freckles off.

  3. This sounds like a mutilation disorder.  Not to mention the chance of infection, etc.  You are only asking for trouble.  Seek help.

  4. Im sorry but its not normal. You should talk to someone about it. Its not good to hurt yourself to see the blood. Its inside you for a reason. And if part of it is because you dont like the moles then you can get them removed by a professional.

  5. Woahh...don't do that.

    I picked off a mole once and my parents FREAKED!!...they said they can be cancerous...which is very true...and the cancer could commence if you pick the wrong one....

  6. I guess it's normal for some people. I had this black freckle like thing right on the middle of my knee, which I totally hated. I hated it so much that I kept scratching it until the top layer of skin came off. I did it because I hated that dot, not because I wanted to see blood. There wasn't any blood anyway.



    which i am getting accustomed to but i have these huge gross looking mole/big freckle things on my arms and i just recently cut the skin off (scissors sterilized at home) there to let it scab over. I keep opening up the scab though cuz i guess i love it. THe more bleeding and bigger scab the better.

    Heres mine:

  8. um I've never done that before and i dont think its normal dude.

    why would you want to do that anyway? freckles are adorable.  

  9. Since you cut off the most beautiful asset you could ever have which is freckles, I would simply HATE you.  I wouldn't talk to you, or have anything to do with you.  In fact, I'd do everything in my power to make your life a living h**l until you started treating your freckles as the most precious gifts you could ever have.  Girls with freckles are HOT and the more freckles she has the HOTTER she looks.  Freckles ROCK!

    If you want to see blood, BITE ME as hard as you can, and let my blood be your entertainment!

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