
I cut my hair way too short and I look terrible? Please help, I'm screwed big time?

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I'm 19 and I had longer hair and now I cut it down to two inches on the top and 1.5 inches on the side and it looks horrible for my face. I look like an idiot, what to do?




  1. wear a hat all the time... or a wig

  2. Need a picture to help you...


    Wig? Hah, no don't do that.

    Extensions? Creepy for a guy.

    Hat, definitaly a hat.

  3. buy a ********** hat

  4. Get a baseball cap. Or dye your remaining hair a really freaky cool colour like blue, pink or green - nobody will notice your face ever again. lol :-)

  5. get a buzz cut ... on most guys it looks really s**y.. take justin timberlake for example

  6. Well, if it really does look horrible, just buzz it the rest of the way off, can't go wrong that way.  But, it also might be you just aren't used to it yet.

  7. Cut them to make them even or make it your own OR you could get a lo hair cut

  8. You can try the messy look. Get some pomade and after you towel dry your hair, rub about a palm sise in your palms and mess up your hair. A lot of girls like it. Experiment with it and even ask a girl for some advice and gelp with your hair.  

  9. is that y ur wearing a sombreroe?

  10. get over it

    or get a hat.

    i promise your dilemma will be over in a month,

    and life will be perfect again( :

  11. wait for it to grow back :)

    girls please answer my question :(;...

  12. looks like your gonna have to shave it. and slap yourself in the face a hundred times for punishment.

  13. Well, if you were a girl you could wear a wig, but seeing as how you are a guy I would just shave it all off if it's really that bad looking, and wear a hat or something. That wouldn't look to bad would it? And shaved heads feel SOOOO cool (I did it once, and even though it will look strange to your friends at first, the feel of it more than makes up for the look)  

  14. Buy a sombrero

  15. Umm, wear a beenie? Get extentions.. lol... Well, go to the salon and get it fixed up! It will grow back sooner or later!

  16. Shave it off all the way now.

  17. for starters, dont cut your hair after 3 margaritas and wear a hat lol

  18. go to the hairdresser right now,

    it'll still be short but they will make it look much better.

  19. First off, relax it is hair and it will grow back (I have been in this position many times).

    If you don't like the cut and there is enough length for another cut, get another cut. Go to a hairdresser someone you know has been to and had a good experience with.

    Don't forget you can always wear a hat (I wear head scarfs)  

  20. get it like this

    if you have bad skin check out clean and clear products to give you more confidence.

  21. Just sit at home and never step out....atleast thats what i did =x!

  22. Can you wear a hat when you go out till it grows back..?? I wouldn't shave it...if it already looks bad, shaving it all off may be worse :(

  23. well u know you could always just shave the whole thing off and get sumn clean and fresh u know? just a suggestion

  24. extentions or go to a salon and have them just give you a short short hair cut that looks better.

    and font ever cut your hair again.

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