I was using a big knife, not serrated, to cut an onion and pushed down on it. My thumb slid down the top of the knife and then slipped down the sharp tip, opening it. I freaked out.. stuck it under running water, grabbed a towel and put pressure on it while holding it above my head to try to stop bleeding. It finally stopped, I rinsed it, put neosporin with pain relief on it & a band aid. I tried to keep it as elevated as possible all night. It doesn't really hurt now (maybe because of the pain relieving neosporin or maybe I hit a nerve??).
So here's what it looks like now, 12 hours or so after:
-white skin at the split... is this dead skin? (ew)
-it's about a half inch in length to the right of the pad of my left thumb
-maybe 3 to 5 mm deep, at a downward angle
-underneath the skin and below the cut is a little pink... not really swollen, but I guess a little
Oh, and this is the second time in 3 months I've done this. Last time it was with a bagel.