
I cut myself while chopping onions...ouch!?

by  |  earlier

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i cut myself pretty bad on my finger...its not like REALLY BAD...but its quite deep, it scared me at first, and the blood keeps gushing out...i wrapped a bandage around it, two actually and i can feel blood coming out, my finger is throbbing, and i can see the blood under the bandaid...what do i do?




  1. Keep your hand above your heart to slow the bloodflow until the bleeding stops.

  2. hahha.. u can place a cotton over it and taped it ... cotton can help better than band aid...

  3. You, stop typing.

    And then you wait for it to stop bleeding.

    Geeeze :/

  4. umm if you have any goss wrap it in that tight. but you might have cut it really deep so might wanna get it checked out.

  5. Go to the hospital as quick as possible you may need stiches!

  6. go to the could get infected!

  7. rest it for awhile...don't type , don't nothing...REST it...pfftt

  8. i think u should go get it checked

  9. go to doctor and get stiches and eww im tryin to eat dinner

  10. Keep pressure on it and see if the beelding stops in a few minutes.  If not, go to the doctor.

  11. doctors u might need stitches, but if its not that bad in your opinion then put alot of pressure on it and hold it there. pressure is the key

  12. Wash it with some kind of anti bacterial agent and keep covered. If you can see muscle of fat you need stitches

  13. go to the doctor or hospital

  14. was the onion injured?!?!?

  15. you might need stiches. good luck

  16. flush it clean with tap water

    wrap it tight,

    Don't bend it, you will live

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