
I cut myself with scissors for the first time. ?

by Guest55841  |  earlier

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Im not sure if it is classed as self harm if you cut yourself with scissors, like if you grab a piece of skin and cut it and it bleeds. I have the urge to keep cutting away and amazingly it didnt hurt, what should I do and no I cant tell my parents, so please dont even suggest that.




  1. View the suggestions on what to do about self harming, in section 16, at  and contact them, when you feel the need to self harm/cut. There is much information, and useful weblinks on my website: far too much to include here, which is why I needed to create it.

    Seek therapy, to help you address the actual cause of those problems, rather than using an inappropriate method of treating the symptoms, which others have found, doesn't work, in the longer term, and that leaves behind the extra problem of scarring to deal with, then.  

  2. bunny101,

    Self harm is your body's way of telling you that something is not quite right with or within you. Physical injuries are supposed to hurt.

    If it does not hurt, or it makes you *feel better* then you need to get help. I am not a Doctor so I cannot tell you what you need exactly. Please talk to your Doctor as soon as you can. You do not have to tell your parents, and your Doctor should not either.

    Self harming usually cannot be stopped by telling yourself not to do it.

    It is a compulsion that only gets worse if it is not dealt with.

    Get a professional to help you. The sooner you do, the sooner you will stop this.

  3. Stop. Simple as that. You think that because you cut yourself once you need help? Are you doing it for attention?

    Trust me. You don't want to go down the road of self-injury.

  4. You need to stop cutting yourself.  

  5. thats not cool. i remember when i first started cutting it didn't hurt either, and unfortunately i continued doing it for years and years. please dont go down that path, it only makes things worse!

    -once you start you cant stop.

    -when you run out of skin on your arm, you will move to other areas of your body - legs, stomach, chest, etc

    -you will be forever hiding your secret addiction, it is your painful secret

    -if anyone see's, you will make up excuses and people WILL see through your lies... it wasnt the cat!

    -you will become embarressed, scared and ashamed about your scars

    -you will stand in line at the pharmacy, buying steri-strips, bandages and dressings... paranoid that someone will see through you, or ask questions

    -your self injury will only get worse. deeper. you will need stitches and you may be hospitalised... locked in a psych ward.

    basically, its not worth it sweety. i know life sucks. i know how hard it can get. but please, be strong, you CAN get though this without resorting to harming yourself.

    if you dont want your parents to find out, the best thing you can do is stop cutting.

    keep in mind, that when people find out, you will lose friends, people will unfortunately judge you and people will be afraid of you. i have been told "god, if you cut yourself, imagine what you could do to me! your a freak, get away from me! dont hurt me!" that came from my boyfriend. please PLEASE take care. whatever your facing, its not worth bleeding for.

  6. Yes, it's self-harm. Don't make a habit of it. It's just as addicting as any drug.

  7. it could amount into something huge if you continue, you can get scars that will never heal,think. you probably have some unresolved feelings that you cant express, go see a school counselor and talk to them because they can help you if youre not ready to say anything to your parents, go and find a more effective way of coping while working with the counselor.

  8. well it is self harm

    and unlike any of these people here it seems like none of them have ever cut before and they think it is really easy

    but i used to cut and i loved it

    but i had to stop and its been a while til i started again about 3 days ago but before that it was six months and then i would look at my arm and i would want to cut again... but what i want to tell you is that i hope you don't keep a habit of this because its cons outweigh the benefits

    i have cuts on my arm and they are in a nice row of lines and people ask how they got there and why they are so close and in a ladder like if you don't want to get bothered by people, then just dont.

    Even if you do it now, scars will replace those and then they will be there forever

    so just please don't...

  9. dude stop doing that there is no point in doing that

  10. Well I will try to help you, mabe you have a slight form of depression, has anything bad happened recently, or do you blame yoursel for things that are not your fault? If your parents are the understanding type and like wont abuse you or anything, but are the concerned type, they will do whats best for you in the long run, and I hope you listen to my advise, o and one more thing, control yourself, stop cutting yourself. The human mind is very powerful and if you put your mind to it, you will get over it. I hope I helped

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