
I cutt myself...and i remove the skin from my fingers.?

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when im doing nothing i offtend just cutt my hands it feels so good. And i on my fingers i like to use a knife to cutt around my nails to remove the skin! i find it fun(addicting) iv been doing this for some years now and i really came to love it alot! should i stop or no? should i seek help(even tho i odnt want to) how can i stop myself from not cutting my hands there like right in front of my when i find a sharp thing on the ground or something i use it to cutt if i dont i get stresses out and get all messed up! i do it like everyday(maybe every not everyday but alot) is this nromal do you guys do it to?i can keep on doing this forever to without stopping my skin comes back fast to! i actually went to the hospital because i used a knife to cutt my feet it got infected and i couldt walk for weeks. i really need to stop this everything haves blood on it!(not everything ) i would use anything like a knife, pencil, sharp wood, my own nails, ect pretty much anything that i use. should i tell my Doc? and if i do how should i say it????




  1. You need serious help!

  2. OMG YES I LOVE DOING THAT TOO (not really)!!!!!!! You need some serious help before you really hurt yourself!

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