
I dare to say that women are more sensitive than men. Do you dare to disagree with me?

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  1. Men are more reactive to phenomena often relying on reflex in response to an activity or event. This suggests greater sensitivity.

    Women demonstrate a greater attention to detail.  This reflects a capacity for gathering information and knowledge.  Women tend to make pragmatic strategy the means of addressing incidents.

  2. that depends on which contexts you are applying sensitive to.  For instance I assume that you are referring to emotional sensitivity.  And if  that is the case  then i would agree that women by and large are more emotionally sensitive.  However, I believe that men are more sensitive to  matters of logic.   This  is not to say that women are illogical, or that men experience zero emotion.  I am just saying that men are more sensitive in this context.

    I suppose that is  why it has  been said that the husband is the head of the family, but the wife is the heart.

  3. I dare to disagree with you, some men are more sensitive than female!

  4. i dare to disagree with  you ...some man are more sensitive than woman.

  5. i m disagree with u ,.u cant say all women .some men also senstive  and women are  not.

  6. You are right.

  7. No! I do not agree with your Question, because there are also Men who are Sensitive as the Women are. We all have Feelings so we are even in the sensitivity nature.

  8. Yes, "most" women are.

    Though your question doesn't sound so sensitive.

  9. what kind of sensitivity do you mean?

    I think if we stop being judgmental we will be better beings.



  10. Yes I do, for one thing : You started with a stereotype ; A decision that hasn't been proven, is invalid. That makes unsound argument. I 'd be  mistaken if I ever said that men are more sensitive than women, regardless of the grounds upon which your argument 's been based.  

  11. No one I have come across in this world is as sensitive as I am.

    And I am not even a homosexual. :)

  12. I think you have it backwards.

    The sensitive people are more likely to be women.

    By wording it this way, we acknowledge that some men are sensitive and that some women are not.

    But I would agree that these type of people are most often female.

  13. I agree with you based on my personal observations and psychological literature. Women are more socialized towards sensitivity while men are more socialized towards a macho mentality. An example of this is the saying Men Don't Cry.

  14. I wonder, why you used the words like "DARE TO DISAGREE"! Are you afraid of women? Regarding "sensitivity", gender is not supposed to be counted, I tell you with regards to that species. It's YOU to decide whether a creature is sensitive or not. (provided if you have that sense!)

    One thing (probably you indicated that way) I do agree with you that 'women' have got an "antenna" .......well, what should I say or how can I narrate----er---I'm in an embarrassing moment, since you're an atheist, the God (for you, read it as:Nature) created them that way. That's why a girl ( say a woman) is been alerted in advance someway, somehow. This sense of the women made us to think them as more sensitive.

    (Please do not mix up extra-sensitive males with them. In our society, here in Indian Subcontinent, women are considered as 'low-sensitive' creatures, which is not true.)

  15. No I don't dare disagree, I may hurt a sensitive woman. No! as a man I can take it..sniff..(runs away sobbing)

  16. Yes I can say  as a woman that I am very sensitive hehehehe I work in Finance with a lot of men and I see the differences even in the business world I love being sensitive and a woman hehehehe oh the drama of it all I know I have to channel this energy is a different way hehehehehe maybe on the stage :)))))))))))))

  17. I dare to remain neutral!!!

  18. no i dare not.

  19. in which sense?

  20. There is nothing wrong in being sensitive to others feelings. But the male gender are taught at a young age to hide it, or to wear a mask. I believe because of this mask, the relations that we have with the opposite gender is severely compromised.

  21. Yes they are, not that thats a bad thing though.

  22. no… like what the others have said… you lie when you over generalize like that… you need a fail safe catcher of some kind… “most woman” or “typically woman are”… then there is the whole how are we sensitive bit… physically… emotionally… mentally spiritually… logically… there are a lot of things we could be sensitive to or about with out been sensitive to the others… double dare you to look closer… and closer… and closer still till the grey is black and white… and we can say with conviction…  

  23. i think that gender has nothing really to do with it other than more women are sensitive than men are. it is a percentage thing not a black and white model. hardly anything in this life doesn't have shades of gray.

  24. I am too sensitive to either agree or disagree with your statement.

  25. Men have more deeper feelings than women, women have what we can call relatively "shallower" experiences of emotions.

    You can hurt a man emotionally to death but a woman will hit you back with all the tears and tantrums she has got. It has nothing to do  with her being more "emotionally stronger" than men, but is a direct consequence of her not feeling those emotions deeply like a man does.

    For example, a man may weep when he is deeply hurt, but a woman uses her show of emotions just to get her work done, and men unaware of this fact just assume that, if she is showing some external signs of emotions than it must be hurting really bad inside. Because they think of them as equals.

    Hope that answers your question.

  26. On the outside yes,  but men conceal it.

  27. Generally, women are more sensitive than men.  But I think that's only because of the sexes are socialized differently.  From a very young age, we teach females to inhibit their emotions less and take other's feelings into account more.  Males are usually taught to be more stoic and selfish.  I've even caught myself consoling crying little girls and telling crying little boys to toughen up.  

  28. Just remember that you wouldn`t be able to cry unless I mistreated you. How`s that for logic?

  29. I politely disagree with you because I just think we can't generalize it!

    thanks :)

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