
I decided to give my co-worker a NEW name but she got mad. Why?

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I am a kitchen manager at the local Applebees and this lady named Jill comes in and she expodites and runs the food. I decided she looks like a Wendy but when I say "Hi Wendy" or "How are you doing today Wendy" she just ignores me and gives me a funny look. Shouldnt I be given some leway here? My little charabs should be excited at the prospect of me giving them NEW FRESH names. I mean seriosuly WHO WANTS TO BE CALLED JILL for 100 years all their life?




  1. maybe they like their names?

  2. Most people like being called by their own names. It makes them feel special!

  3. That is so rude.. it shows a total lack of respect for the other person to call them something other than the name they prefer to be called.  I don't blame her for ignoring you.  Show her some respect, apologize to her for calling her "Wendy" and begin calling her by her name.

    Also who are you to judge someone's name.. many folks like the name Jill.  Your attitude is very arrogant and insulting.

  4. Um, why don't you check out the link below for some inspiration.

  5. You sound like quite the dictator.

    If Jill is the name she was given, and Jill is the name she would like to be called, then BE RESPECTFUL and call her Jill.  ESPECIALLY if calling her by another name is making her upset.  Don't be the person who gets fired because you get a complaint filed about you.  Especially since it's a woman, she can get files charged against you for sexual harassment (it can be very interpretable--she could say that you were hitting on her by calling her that name).

    In conclusion--don't be so rude, and get over yourself.  Just because you're a kitchen manager it doesn't make you better than anyone else.

  6. Some people are open to change and some are not. You should apologize to her,you dont need drama on the job.

  7. get over yourself.

    She has a name, use it properly.

    You probably annoy her in other ways, but you don't see that either. Leave the poor girl alone.

  8. It's rude to play with people's names.

  9. What age are you?  You need to grow up and lose that big head you are carrying around on your shoulders.  Calling someone names is childish and shows that you have a problem and not Jill.  Little charabs? Wtf?

  10. after you called her wendy the first time and she didnt find it became wrong and rude to continue to do it said she ignores you and gives you funny looks...isnt that polite hint enough for you to stop and call her by HER NAME...hope that helps you to understand that what you are doing could be seen as harassment..please watch your step...

    kelly b

  11. Do you really not know?  Most people are rather touchy about their names.  Unless a new name is given out of genuine affection, people tend to see it as offensive, no matter how attractive the name may be in itself.  This woman may respond by calling you Peter or Captain Hook, or she may decide that you look like a Jethro or a Zeke--or a Basil or a Chauncey.  Possibly she likes being named Jill.  Maybe it was the name of a grandmother or an aunt whom she is or was very fond of.  For motre on this subject, I recommend reading Maya Angelou's essay "Finishing School."  (I would have provided a link, but I couldn't find the piece online.)  In short, I think Jill is doing the right and mature thing in ignoring you.

  12. why is it up to you to change her name?  sounds more rude than funny

  13. Your lack of spelling skills (it's "cherub" not "charab") precludes your feeble attempt at humor. Perhaps if your joke were funnier or your spelling better, you'd get better replies.  

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