
I deposited that check from gordon finan srvc never cashed it tho- what will happen to me now?

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I deposited that check from gordon finan srvc never cashed it tho- what will happen to me now?




  1. Depositing a check in your account or cashing it a the local grocery store is the same thing.  In both cases you've converted a financial instrument to your use.

  2. Depositing a check into your account is the SAME as cashing it.  I don't know the details of what you're talking about so that's all I can say.

  3. how can anyone give you any sort of answer when all you did was give a statement of what you did that means nothing to 99.9% of the people who read it.  Who is Gordon Financial?  Why are you concerned?  Why can't you put yourself into the place of other people and realize easily how much you have to tell them in order to get a reasonable answer?

  4. Let me guess.

    You got a letter in the mail saying that you were selected for "something," here is a check for $4000 and that they wanted you to deposit the check into your bank account and then spend it as directed.

    At least one of the directions would entail having you go to Western Union or Moneygram and send some "agent" a chunk of money.  They would give you a story as to why you just had to do this immediately.  

    This is a common scam and fairly well known.  The exact story varies, but the end result is the same.  The check was fake.  It bounced and now the bank wants all of their money back.  The fact that you spent some of it and sent most of it to the scammers is meaningless.  The bank MUST be repaid.

    According to google, the current version of the scam is a 'mystery shopper' angle, as in sssshhh, don't tell Western Union what you are doing because this is a test of their service.  (The real reason they don't want you talking to the agent is to avoid having the agent realize you are being scammed -- because if they do, they won't put the money through.)  The other part of the scam is the rush to get you to send them money within the first 7 days of cashing the check.  Most banks will give you a deposit credit in 3 days (because you've been a good customer), but in reality a fake check can take a month or more to detect...and they want to be gone by the time you realize you've been ripped off.

    Other versions of the scam have been congrats you won the Canadian Lottery and need to pay taxes/customs/insurance/duty, etc...anything to get the victim to send them money.

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