
I desperately need a good poem

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I have a boyfriend whom I love dearly, its his birthday coming up and I would like to make a collage with pictures of the two of us and a good poem in the middle. The thing is we are both in the forces and I am being deployed for a few months so I need the poem to be about the fact that we will be far away from each other but our love will keep us together. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. xxxxxxxx




  1. What will it matter then

    When the sky's not blue but blazing red

    The fact that I simply love you

    When all our dreams lay deformed and dead

    We'llbe two radioactive dancers

    Spinning in different directions

    And my love for you will be reduced to powder

    The screams will perform louder and louder

    Your marble flesh will soon be raw and burning

    And kissing will reduce my lipsto a pult

    Hideous creatures will return from the underground

    And the fact the I love you

    Will die

    You don't have to sleep to see mightmares

    Just hold me close

    Then closer still

    And you'll feel the probabilities pulling us spart  

  2. if you cant find one look on they have a section dedicated to poetry. there should be a box with catagories...

  3. More about the joy of your love being with you, but perhaps

    "A Birthday" by Christina Rossetti would be suitable.

    My heart is like a singing bird

    Whose nest is in a water'd shoot;

    My heart is like an apple-tree

    Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit;

    My heart is like a rainbow shell

    That paddles in a halcyon sea;

    My heart is gladder than all these,

    Because my love is come to me.

    Raise me a daïs of silk and down;

    Hang it with vair and purple dyes;

    Carve it in doves and pomegranates,

    And peacocks with a hundred eyes;

    Work it in gold and silver grapes,

    In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;

    Because the birthday of my life

    Is come, my love is come to me.  

  4. Since First I Saw You

    Since first I saw you, it was your eyes,

    mesmerizing me, your gaze transporting

    me to a realm, not of fantasy, real,

    where young men go when cupid’s

    arrow takes root.

    Since first I saw you, it was your lips,

    captivating me, holding me frozen

    in anticipation of our lips brushing

    for the first time.

    Since first I saw you, it was your voice,

    a crescendo, light, invigorating,

    each word you speak intensifies

    my hearing, enveloping each

    note, time ceases as I hang motionless

    savoring, memorizing.

    Since first I saw you, it was your hair,

    long, flowing, gently rising above

    your shoulders as a slight breeze

    passes through,

    sending waves of your essence my way.

    The sun magnifing each strand,

    highlighting the minute

    variances of invigorating color,

    creating a halo effect, a portrait of

    your beauty forever imprinted.

    Since first I saw you, It was you,

    my love forever more for you,

    only you.  

    Mac McGovern

  5. All though when you read this we will be far apart

    But my love your always in my heart

    Your birthday comes but once a year

    but my love go`s on for ever

    be brave my love it will not be long

    when we are both together

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