
I desperately need help with my cat!!!!

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I adopted a cat from a shelter 2yrs ago he was up to date on all his shots....neg feline leukemia test...etc....Healthy! I bring him home and within a week he seemed to have an upper respiratory cold, and some ear problems....went to the vet everything seemed a year later he has been acting very strange this past week, symptoms include: red eyes (the white are pinkish red) his ears are a bit on the warm side, he has had diarrhea one minute then normal the next and then a stool with a bit of blood in it. He also groans quite loudly after going. His appetite has been fine as well as his consumption of water, not lethargic but calmer then normal.He also has had a very dry nose this week.....Can anyone give me any insight about these symptoms? We need to find a vet and at this point don't have a bunch of extra money for what ever huge expenses this may turn out to be....but I want him feeling better!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP US OUT!!!!




  1. --- For crying out loud take the animal to a vet ASAP. If the amount of the bill is going to be higher than you can pay right now ask for a payment plan!

    --- The symptoms you describe could be any number of things from heart worms or other parasites or it could be from kidney failure to diabetes. The food you feed the cat is important too. Cats are very susceptible to diabetes these days.

    --- It could also be something very simple, but you wont ever find out if the cat dies before you get it to a vet. Also note that should whatever the problem turn out to be if it is too expensive to deal with you can have it euthanized so it won't suffer.

    --- Also, for future reference you might want get pet health insurance. Its not always expensive and can save you a lot in times like these.

  2. There isn't much that even someone with experience can offer in the way of advice except "get to a vet".  It does sound like what ever cat has will need to be treated with medication that you can't get OTC, or that you have at home.  Anytime you see blood in the stool its a sign that something is certainly upsetting your cats stomach.  Only your vet can determine that with an over all evaluation of your pet.

    It could be a virus, something bacterial.  Your cat could be running fever, or no fever.  We really have no way of knowing all those things, only your vet can tell.

    I hope you can make an appointment and get him there before he does go off his food and water totally and it does become an emergency situation.

    As for the cost, if you have 200 that's a good down payment, and if you have reason to suspect your cat digested something that is caught up in its stomach you better consider it an emergency and get to the vet now or the cost will be much greater than 200.

  3. Okay the blood in the stool is a dead giveaway. Take that poor kitten to the Vet! Blood in human's stool or urine is bad, so of course its bad in animals. Call now!

  4. might be the cat flu as that has similar syptoms i some how get him checked out poor cat hope he be ok

  5. You can possibly make a payment plan with your vet. They are usually always understanding about money issues (especially during this economy) and if yours isn't then there is always another vet who would be willing to help you. As long as you are willing to help your cat get better they will help you finance it.

  6. Try to find a Banfield Hospital, they are usually found in Petsmart stores. they have a Wellness program for cats that may cost from $12 to $30/month that will cover alot of things your cat may need health-wise even surgeries try to google it. Your $200.00 may be enough Good Luck

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