
I desperately need help with my diet!?

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ok so all summer i have been eating 4-5 small meals during the day and i have lost some weight:

breakfast : packet of oatmeal with a scoop of protein mix

midmorning meal: half a turkey sandwich or wrap with lettuce and tomato

lunch: other half of sandwich or wrap with an apple, blueberries or strawberries

dinner: protein (chicken, turkey, egg etc) and a vegetable

(during the day if i get hungry i snack on fruit)

so heres the problem:

school starts next week and i need a schedule so i can keep eating 4-5 small meals every 3-4 hours during the day

i wake up at 6

leave the house at 7:15

lunch is at 10:42

school gets out at 2:36

i usually get to sleep around 11 or 11:30(i know i shouldnt eat past 730)

could someone please make me a schedule for the day in order for me to keep on my diet? id really appreciate it

oh im 17, 135 lbs and 5'5




  1. I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

  2. This shouldnt be a problem. The only thing I see that might be a problem is the fact that school lunches serve very unhealthy foods such as pizzas, coke, and fries and those can be very tempting at times (do not give in! trust me!!! You'll regret it later! D:). Wake up early enough for you to eat breakfast, and not rush out of the house. Then Eat your midmorning meal during lunch. Take some type of fruit with you to school or an oatmeal bar and much on it when the teach aint looking in class or during the times when you switch classes. If your worried about the teacher catching you, just chop up the fruit to tiny pieces and drop em in your mouth when they trun their back. Dried fruits are also cool to do this way, and theyre yummy!! Im not sure how your school system works though. But since you get out at 2:30 you can have your lunch then. Then just worry about dinner later while your at home.

  3. what is your exercise?

    if you stretch your muscles and take fiber you can knock loose alot of wastes in your abdomen, try balancing exercises which require constant energy and work ever muscle... abdominal exercising will help move some of that waste in your body.

    drink plenty of water(over one gallon a day) to help flush out that waste,

    the oatmeal only gives you starch you know that right?

    if you exercise routinely you can have milk- milk and molasses promotes blood oxygenation.

    bannanas have potassium if you get cramps and be sure to not stress about your weight, that makes your body gain.

  4. aww im going back to school in a week and im a exercise alcoholic and its hard to get meals every 2 to 3 hours. yeah what i do is like eat my meal in the morning.then i have nutrition.then lunch.then i dont eat after that till i get home.but what you can do is take like protein bars or protein shakes to school and just sneak it during class. its worth the try or wait till you get home or something

  5. you are not getting enough calories.  add fruit to your breakfast, veggies to your lunch, like baby carrots.  protein keeps you full longer so if you want to add some meat like turkey bacon to your breakfast to keep you full.  pack some healthy snacks you can take along with you so you dont hit up the vending machine.  and drink lots of water.

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