
I desperately need to stop biting my fingernails.?

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I'm a guy, and I bite my fingernails way too much. They are really short. What can I do, or what can I use, to stop biting them so much?




  1. Perhaps you could try wearing gloves.

  2. In most drug stores you can buy stuff meant to stop babies from sucking their thumbs.  It is harmless (citric acid) but had a very bitter/sour taste.

    If you brush some on your fingernails it will remind you not to bite 'em.

    Below is a link to a site that sells the stuff.

  3. i'd say wear bad tasting nail polish, but ur a guy....

    i had thata problem too. think about how gross it is.ew

  4. pick your toes whenever you get the urge.

    get something nasty on em' you would never want to get into your mouth.

    or a less drastic way..

    wrap'em up with clear band aids to keep you from getting to them.

    without other people noticing the band aids on.

  5. I'm not sure the exact name, but there's this stuff you put on your fingernails... i guess kinda like nailpolish... it doesn't shine or anything so as a guy you could totally use it. It tastes DISGUSTING and so you pretty much won't be able to bite your nails without gagging..

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