
I developed a bump on my buttocks. After doing some research I concluded that it was a boil. It was quite?

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painful and I had never had one before. I applied heat and soaked in warm baths and it finally soften and came to a head. There was a lot of pus. Now (which is two weeks later) I have another one but it isn't as painful. Has anyone else had a boil and if so what did you do for it? Do I need to see a doctor or will they just stop coming?




  1. You have a staph infection in your body.  You need antibiotics.  You can wait and see if the second boil gets rid of all of the infection, but I would rather take antibiotics and be sure.

  2. you need to see a dr. they will not stop coming by themselves. all that pus needs to come out.even a little bit left in the boil will cause it to keep coming back. it is also called staff infection. had one years ago. it was very painful.

  3. I just knew someone who had a doctors appointment for a boil and when he got there the doctor told him he had to go to the emergency room for an emergency boil drain or something like that, so its a good idea to have it looked at.

  4. Boils need to be lanced by a doctor and medication has to be applied to the wound.  

  5. Boils can actually make you quite ill. Its best to see your doctor to have it looked at.

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