
I did a 2 mile run and right under my knee it has been hurting what does this mean?

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i am doing conditioning for soccer and we have to do running this is only my second time and i am definetly not in shape. PLS help i just don't know if i torn someting or its just a strain.




  1. if you are in the middle or end of a growth spurt, you may have osgood schlaters syndrome. This has something to do with your shin bone not being able to grow fast enough with the rest of your body. If it is bad, you may start to develop bumps under your knee cap. Also, you may not have even realised you have it until u havent run in a while then it hurts.

    go to and go to the symptom checker and see if anything serious comes up when you put in what youre feeling.

  2. Your knee is probably a little sore. It happens when you are out of shape.

  3. Its really hard to tell the exact problem from your limited description, however, I would suggest the following:


    1. Rest it for a few days before running again.

    2. Ice it twice a day for 15-20 minutes

    Going Forward:

    1. Get proper running shoes.  Any good running store will look at you running and recommend the proper type of shoe.  While it may not seem important, running in a properly supported shoe makes a big diference

    2. Don't run on really hard surfaces (cement is hard on your knees) or really uneven surfaces (grass can cause twisting on your knee).   I would recommend you run on either blacktop paths or gravel/dirt paths.  

    3. Easy into your running until you get in shape.  Avoid hills and just build up a slow endurance until you feel stronger

    4. Stretch your quads, hips, etc.  Often lack of flexibility can pull on your kneecap which cause friction while running.

    If none of that works, go see a phisio, who can properly determine the problem.

    Good luck. Running is a great way to get and stay in shape.

  4. You're body is most likely not used to this kind of running.  I'm a high school distance runner and I know this pain from experience.  This pain will most frequently come from running down hills.  If you want to stop the pain, run the first half-mile of your run at a VERY EASY pace.  This always worked for me during my knee pain.  People who don't run think ice cures everything.  The truth is that with this, ice does very little.  As you get in shape and your knees get used to the stress that is being put on them your knees will cease to hurt.  I remember how bad this hurts, but it will subside.  Don't stop running.

  5. I had the same thing.

    Turned out I had Patellar Tendonitis. Hurts alot right?

    Personally, i am an avid field hockey player but i use running as a conditioner.

    What you have to do is get a knee brace for when it is 100% necessary to play. It will put tention on the tendon to make it easier to run with impact.

    Next, ICE ICE ICE! 20 minutes on , 20 minutes off.

    Finally- Either stop playing or do a no impact sport like cycling or swimming. You MUST rest the knee because if you dont it will spread to your other one. That would be worse

    If the pain is unbearable- i would go to  a sport tech. They can discuss other treatment with you

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