
I did a question to ask if i was pregnant.?

by  |  earlier

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Hey all, i did a post thing here the other day to see if u lot thought i was pregnant i did a urine sample for the doctor on tuesday and went to see him today, he said the results are negative but he wanted to feel my tummy 2 Anyway:S why's this? could i be pregnant?




  1. He can see if the uterus is hardening or cervix is changing. My 1st 3 urine tests AND 1st blood test were negative and just got positives the next week.

  2. If you went in suspecting a pregnancy he'd be checking for physical signs of pregnancy. Doctors can feel by pressing on your stomach whats known as the Fundus, which is the top portion of your uterus.

    But if you went in because you had strange symptoms that sometimes have to do with pregnancy but have to do with other things too.

    The best thing to do next time your doctor is doing something and you wonder why, Ask him. I Always ask when something seems strange or unnecessary. Its your health and if anyone has the right to know why something is being done to your body, its You.

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