
I did an internet test and it said I was "92%" Bipolar? How can I be 92%?

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It don't make sense, well it does, but it don't...




  1. Whether the tests seem real, the only way for their findings to be effective is if they've been recorded by a medically trained person. Just forget it, those sites are for entertainment purposes only...

    Besides, bipolar is the least of your worries... Not only are you 92% bipolar, you're 99% chimpanzee... and 88% banana! Go figure...

  2. took a test on the internet.

  3. the only way to truly know is to go to a mental health worker, you have come up 92% for bi polar and 76% borderline but at the end of the day you might not even be slightly both, its only a stupid internet test

  4. I came in at 56% lol, dont take it seriously it's an online test after all, seeing a qualified doctor who could refer you is far more reliable.

  5. OH WELL I AM 84% LOL  

  6. If you believe you may have a mental health issue talk with a therapist. I would guess that the test indicates that you answered 92% of the questions with answers a person with bi-polar would.

  7. Because there are lots of symptoms to bi-polar and lots of sub-types. You have ticked most but not all of them. It could also indicate severity. A person could have mild bipolar and therefore not experience all symptoms, and a severe sufferer will experience more.

  8. How can you trust an internet test?  

  9. Did you mark a lot of them? Because sometimes it can be high if their are a lot of them marked!

  10. well im 96% so i better me locked up!!!really if your that worried see a docter

  11. Can you put up the link to the test you took.  It would be easier to see the test so a good answer could be given.  Sounds strange to me.  I guess nobody is 100% anything (except human) so maybe that's the degree of symptomology or something.

    Well... I guess it says that I am 4% bi-polar

  12. that the h**l, all those questions are just describing different emotions. if someone didnt get at least like 65% they would be robots.  

  13. The trouble with tests or surveys that require a tick to a preset answer is that there is no room for well yes but only if x y or z things happens which does a lot.  So you could be hyper a lot but it could be caused by something that is a reaction rather that it occurring out of the blue. like your other half is very humorous and keeps you in stitches. As a bipolar myself I am aware that when I answer I have exclude all the things that I know are reactive, although mood changes can occur due to a reaction but then it usually lasts past the reason.  IE a joke is funny and we laugh but then we stop. If it was a mood change the person's laughter would continue when it was no longer seen as funny anymore, if you see what I mean? A possible reason you came up as 76% borderline is that there are similarities with it and bipolar and the test can't interact with you so it just matches what its programmed to read the answers as, which should say it all about its accuracy! Always best to go to a doctor.

  14. I'm 36% bipolar...wanna know what it says underneath the piccy?

    Overall, you're a pretty stable person. You may be a bit moody, but nothing out of what's normal.

    As long as your emotions aren't severe, you're totally in control!

    tee hee hee

  15. I took the test and i am 72%  

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