
I did it...and I'm mad at myself.. Am I crazy?

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I peed on that stick this morning. The silly thing, is that I'm only about 8 DPO and I didn't even use my first morning pee. It was a BFN and now I'm all dissapointed, even though I KNOW it's too early to test!! Am I crazy??




  1. no ur not crazy. i tested yesterday and im at 2 DPO. lol. i knew my chances were slim to none but i want to see that BFP so bad!!! your not alone... and needless to say mine was neg.

  2. The 2ww makes us ALL a little crazy.  You're just a POAS addict, welcome to the club.

  3. The 2 -week wait is enough to turn the hardest TTC'ers into obsessive complusive testers! (like me!) I really would try to hold that head as high as you can and look forward to testing again at 10 (very earliest, I would say) even 13dpo! This should give you a much higher chance of a reliable result! I have to say - since I've been using cheaper HPTs that detect 15MIU, I don't feel as 'guilty' testing early on.

    Bottom line: YOU AREN'T CRAZY!! You're just dead excited, which is to be expected!

  4. ME TOO! I have been testing twice a day.  I just wish AF would come early so I would know.  I am 12dpo and supposed to start AF tomorrow.   Still getting negatives.  

  5. Your not I am only two dpo and going crazy. I can't wait for bedtime so I can get the day over with and be that much closer to my 2ww being over. I got to pee on my opk sticks last week and now I can't wait to pee on my hpt sticks. I am for sure an Good luck and tons of baby dust to you:)

  6. Lol, that is so cute. You are definitely not crazy, we've all been there, done that! I tested at 10 DPO the other day, knowing it was too early, but I had to do it, and then I got all mad and disappointed, and lost hope because obviously it was a BFN. It's so hard not to cause there's always that stupid lil voice in our heads that say, "oh, it might just show up" knowing d**n well it more than likely won't. Oh, the torture we do ourselves. Don't loose hope hun, it was definitely way too early. I hope this is the lucky month for all of us! Loads n loads n loads of baby dust for all of us!!!  

  7. Hey, I am on fert drugs, so after I took the shot to make me ovulate and we had inseminated, I peed on that stick purely because I wanted to see a pos and I knew the drugs do give false pos for a few days after wards..... but I wanted that feeling. even though it was a false, it was better than the neg I got 3 days later :-(

    You just a normal female who wants it more than anything.

    Good luck to you

    I wish you well

  8. no not crazy just desperate for the BFP. Its hard but it will happen in time. Test again in 6 days or so and you may be surprised. good luck

  9. Don't beat yourself up- try to hold out as long as you can before you POAS again. It's almost impossible not to- we have all been guilty of it.

  10. Not crazy, just anxious...  we've all been there.  Hang in there and soon enough you'll get your BFP!  Good luck and lots of baby dust to you!

  11. its ok we all have done that when we are trying to get pregnant... i know i did cuz i kept hearing these stories on message boards about these ladies that got BFP's at 9DPO!    you will get your BFP good luck!

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