
I did not file my financial aid in time! Is it too late? PLZ HELP?

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I missed the deadline for filing my FAFSA, is it too late to file now? Or should I continue and submit my application anyways????? PLZ HELP




  1. The final deadline to submit your fafsa is not until next June.  You prob just missed a priority deadline by your school or your state.  Yes, you can still apply (and should) most schools will reimburse you when your financial aid comes in late if you pay your tuition by some other means.

  2. No, it isn't too late to file....but file at  Filing electronically will get results faster than mailing an application in.  Let financial aid know that you filed on line.  The only problem, it will take longer to get your financial aid check so you will have to make payment arrangements with the school so they don't dis-enroll you from classes.  

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