
I did not sign?

by  |  earlier

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i did go to ocy and they cancell the appointment they had for me. the judge at the time told me when i was incarcerated that he had seen my childrens and they look find,and he could not understand why ocy was doing this to me.




  1. What?

  2. that's pretty sad, i will be praying for you

  3. Why dont you word a question to make sense. If no one knows what you are asking how to you expect an answer.....?

  4. You need to get a case open for yourself and the kids. If you were only in jail for a short time for a offence that wont keep you from haveing your kids then youhve to get a case open to get them back. I would suggest you sue the state that took your kids cause they shouldhave just been put into foster care while you were gone and not adopted out. That is a state isssue that needs to been taken care of. You also need to prove that you wil be a good parent and so on. Since you were in jail/prison I would look at the fact that most times mothers dont go looking for there kids ever and they end up re offending and the kids will then be taken for ever. I would make sure that this would never happen adn prove to the courts that you are doing much better and that you can care for your kids. Good Luck and dont give up on them you are all they got for family that will care for them.

  5. Why did the Office of Children & Youth cancel your appointment?  If you feel that your children have been taken from you wrongly, I would suggest contacting an attorney who specializes if family law, or your local Legal Aid office.

  6. What the h**l are you talking about?

  7. The rest of your questions do not make sense either. Seek some help.

  8. what is ocy?

    you did not sign what?

  9. I'm not sure, but I think you are saying you did not sign papers relinquishing your children for adoption.

    If Child Protective Services removed the children from your care for their own safety and were able to provide a judge with evidence that you were not making an effort to correct the situation that required the removal of the children than your parental rights could have been terminated without your signature.  I don't know anything about your case, or even if this is what you are asking...but if your kids are in protective care it is likely they are not going to need your signature to do what they feel is in the best interest of your children.

  10. So go back and find out where your kids are.
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