
I did some thing really stupid on my way to work today?

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I went past a school bus in my neighborhood! The stop sign wasn't out until I was right infront of it so I kept going and the bus driver freaked out and honked like h**l at me. I felt SO bad! I never do that! The kids were not getting off the bus at the time. I'm scared the bus driver will get my license plate number the next time he sees me. What should I do?




  1. just hope that the bus driver didn't see your license plate or maybe she didn't because she cant write it down and drive at the same time.and she will probably wont even remember u so next time just be careful.

  2. don't worry about it just don't let it happen again

  3. Next time when you approach a school bus, slow down and prepare to stop.  No, the bus driver can't really do much, except the police can, writes you a ticket.  Just look at it lesson learn, no one has gotten hurt.


  5. Its not really your fault cuz the bus driver should have had the stop sign out, so the bus driver would get in more trouble than you if you did get reported...GOOD LUCK!!

  6. never let off the gas

  7. Don't worry, you will be fine.

  8. I doubt the bus driver got your license plate number, just relax. Only time can tell though

  9. At this point, what is done is done.  If you saw the bus number, you could always find out who drives it and apologize to them or go to the school district and give them a letter to give to the bus driver apologizing for your actions.  Sadly, because this happens semi frequently, I don't think he/she will remember your specific car

  10. so now i guess you no how not to pass a school bus.. paint your car maybe that will fool them

  11. It's the bus driver's responsibility to ensure the childrens safety, number one.  Once the bus driver stops and gets ready to unload or load passengers, they must make sure that there is no cars coming at the time.  If I understand you correctly, the driver just put out the sign (which in effect, turned on the no passing lights), just as you were going by.  You're okay.  You couldn't or shouldn't just slam on your brakes.  Just intuit next time you get close to a stopped bus, that the sign is about ready to come out.

  12. You got a scare and now you'll probably be a super aware and safe driver.  If you did get a visit from the police the best thing is to own up and be very remorseful.  They are humans too. They might issue a ticket but chances you'll get a warning and the bus driver was probably too busy and didn't have a pen and paper right there.

    I'm glad no one was hurt.

  13. Stop text messaging/talking on your phone and pay attention to the driving.  And by the way, it is illegal to ignore the stop sign on a school bus, despite what the braniac above thinks.

  14. just...dont panic lol

    if he does...hes a bad driver for handling it with the rage he did.

    he has many kids in his care and using rage was a BAAAd idea.

  15. ohhh hun don't worry.... we all have done something stupid while driving .....un-intentional things! and it doesn't seem like you would run the stop sign on the school bus intentionally. don't worry just be more careful next time... and since you've passed it once now when you see a bus you will probably be more opt to being more careful around them.

  16. the bus drops the kids of at the same time every day just go a little later

  17. Wait and see. Bus drivers dont usually do that

  18. Don't worry about it. There are bigger things to worry about in life. He won't even recognize your car the next time he sees it. Just next time stop. No biggie. :) You can start fresh tomorrow.

  19. if the cops haven't visited you by now you are most likely o.k. don't worry about next time just change your route and time for a few days

  20. you will have to get in a time machine and go back and do it over again ... or else you just have to live with it.

  21. The driver should of had his stop sign out as soon as he stopped, if he didn't it is his fault and I'm sure he knows it.

    Same thing happened to me and I was never contacted about it

  22. its a mistake, every human alive makes mistake, dont freak out...Theres been much worse, just keep a look out next time.....hope every thing turns out ok!!

  23. You say that as if you see this same bus a lot. If you do than what I would do is the next time you see him pull over, walk to the bus, tell him what you did and why. Let him know it was an accident and you never did anything like that before and never will again and how sorry you are and how bad you have been feeling about it. You will be amazed at how wonderful people respond to that sort of honesty and remorse. But from now on when driving behind a school bus be really careful.

  24. He's not gonna do anything! No need to worry! he probably didn't have time to get your plate! just don't do it again! Everybody makes mistakes!

  25. Plant a knife on his corpse.

  26. I've done that what are you supposed to do slam on your brakes and block the kids pathway? Hopefully they didn't get your plates! Its a hefty fine!

  27. explain that the sign wasn't out go to the bus driver and apologize if that don't work tell on him that he was driving wreck less lol jk

  28. Nothing. It isn't against the law.

  29. If it was truly an accident then there is nothing you can do about it. If you are really worried about it take another route. BUT if that is your route you KNOW that bus stops there every day around the same time and you should be prepared for it!!!!

    It is obvious you don't live in LA because when I stop for that sign everyone honks at ME!!!!

  30. You're like me: if I make a mistake like that, I feel really bad. But the thing is... nothing bad happened, and it wasn't THAT bad of a thing to do in the first place. Plus, you did not try it, so don't feel guilty about it. Mistakes happen. Just be more aware next time, and it will be fine. No big deal.

  31. It is the bus driver's responsibility to have the stop sign out and the flashing light on to signal that the bus in stopped and children are getting on the bus. That happened to me once and I got out and told the driver that he needed to have the sign out.

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