
I did something bad?

by  |  earlier

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Last year, my friend and my brother and I did something really bad to a teacher and we posted some bad stuff about her on the Internet (not using her real name or anything, just codes we made up). It was really wrong and I realize that but now I feel really guilty because yes, we got in trouble, but now I realize what we did and the extent of how bad it was and how much it probably hurt this teacher and she's been so good to us and I want to make up for it, or "make it better", but I can't undo the past and I don't know how. I feel really bad for what we did and I already apologized a lot of times but I still feel so bad. What makes it worse is that I used to be her favourite (even though everyone says teachers don't play favourites, they HAVE them) and I was her best student and she told me so but I've ruined everything and I feel so bad about was and what could have been and I want to "make it better". What can I do to "fix things"?




  1. Unfortunately, you can't do anything to fix things. The past is the past. The only thing you could have done you already did - apologize. Hopefully she recognizes your apology and takes it sincerely. Though she may never have the same glowing opinion of you, at least she will respect that you bothered to apologize.  

  2. seeing that you already have apologized for your actions, i would say that it would be better if you tried to ease your guilt by trying to concentrate more in her class and impress her with better marks.

    and anyway,whats past is past, so i think you sholud stop woorying yourself anymore.indulge yourself in any hobbies to keep your mind off the is problem of yours.

  3. The best thing you can do is be totally honest with this teacher. Tell her exactly what you wrote here - I'm sure she'll understand and she'll be happy that you learned from your mistake and feel guilt.  

  4. Well unfortunatley whats done is done and there will not be that close bond with the pair of you or favoritism becasue the trust is lost and with you doing what you did, she wil always remember that and will unfortunatly never feel as close to you as she used to as a student. You have let yourslef down by doing this but lets foucs on the good side, you have apologuised and tell her that you will never do it again and that everyone makes mistakes. And also tell her that you didnt mean anythnig by it as people do things in the spare of the moment...  
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