
I did something bad to one of my teachers?

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Last year, my friend and my brother and I did something really bad to a teacher and we posted some bad stuff about her on the Internet (not using her real name or anything, just codes we made up). It was really wrong and I realize that but now I feel really guilty because yes, we got in trouble, but now I realize what we did and the extent of how bad it was and how much it probably hurt this teacher and she's been so good to us and I want to make up for it, or "make it better", but I can't undo the past and I don't know how. I feel really bad for what we did and I already apologized a lot of times but I still feel so bad. What makes it worse is that I used to be her favourite (even though everyone says teachers don't play favourites, they HAVE them) and I was her best student and she told me so but I've ruined everything and I feel so bad about was and what could have been and I want to "make it better". What can I do to "fix things"?




  1. why would you do that if she was nice to u? makes no sense to me. =(

  2. Buy her a big bunch of flowers. Write a letter explaining that you realise you made a mistake and that you're truly sorry,and give them both to her. Or buy her a voucher for 2 to a nice restaurant and insert it in a card, saying you're sorry.

  3. Unfortunately, you have learned a lesson the hard way, at the expense of someone who did nothing but be kind and loving towards you.  Sometimes there is nothing you can do to make up to someone you have wronged.  You have not only hurt this teacher's reputation, you have hurt her personally, and nothing you can do will make up for it.

    You can apologize until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't change what you did, and chances are that nothing will get back on her favorite list.  

    She will forever be wary of even the "good" students because kids can turn on you in a heartbeat, with not provocation, and your career can be damaged if not completely over.  You should count yourself lucky that she didn't press charges, sue your parents, or seek more severe consequences for you.

    People in general, and kids in particular, need to understand that not everything is made okay by an apology, and they need to consider the ramifications of their actions and words.

    Do this lady a favor and stay away from her.  Keep your mouth closed, stop apologizing, and just leave her alone because there's nothing you can do to make it right.

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