
I did something really bad.?

by  |  earlier

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I was messin around with a boy. We were rubbing on each other, but then he went in my panties. I tried to stop him, because it hurted, but he wouldn't. Is this rape, or is it my fault?




  1. Ok first of all i dont think this is your fault.. second if he went all the way in and never stopped than you could call it that because no man/ boy should ever put his hands where you dont want then to be.. If you didnt try to tell him forcefully then it might have seemed to him as you were willing but afraid and that can cause conflicts..  

  2. well is he older then you? and its kinda both of your faults yous where messing around you must have gave him mixed signals but you did tell him to stop. and of course its going to hurt it your a virgin but hun you should deff tell you mom or a adult you trust its  

  3. Its your fault, why would you be rubbing on each other first place.

  4. if you said no it is rape and no it isn't your fault.

  5. Tried to stop him? So no consent? If so, it is classed as rape.

  6. I guess it not really your fault. But I don't blame you. If he does more, it can get worse and if you think its ok, I guess you wouldn't call it a rape.

  7. I wouldn't say so, otherwise he would have been secretive about it.

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