
I did the chores and now my mom isnt paying?

by  |  earlier

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I mowed a three acre lawn and got all the cob webs out of the basement. Two hard jobs. My mom said that she was going to pay me and now she is not paying up...

I needed the money to pay a bill, because the bill is due tomorrow and I don't get paid for another week.

What can I do, because this is throwing my whole payment schedule off.

I did the work =(

I think my mom is using me now =(




  1. ask her to pay the bill for you, with the money you earned. Then get a real job.

  2. You should never ask your parents to pay you for doing something for them.  Family helps family out without charging them or asking them to pay for helping them.

    If you need some money to pay a bill, tell you mom and ask her if she will loan you enough money to pay the bill.  Explain to her how important it is for you to pay the bill and it's another week before you get paid.

    It could be that she doesn't have the money to lend you.  So if she says no, just tell her that you will just pay the penalty for a late charge.

    Good luck!

  3. Ask for payment, if she declines again, tell her you will not be able to do her house work unless you are paid in advance.  Classic mooching and familial using for cost benefit.  MOVE OUT!!

  4. wow your mom sucks.

  5. tell her.

    or if she doesnt give u it

    jus tell her nex time. and add ur money. jus keep telling w=her. tats wat i would do

  6. no shes not. you're acting like a child. just ask her for money and tell her why you need it. dont p**s her off.  

  7. Maybe she is tight on cash too.

    Can you tell her your situation? Make a compromise? Explain "I need to pay a bill that is $50a(or I will be charged $$ for being late...) and I planned for and expected that if I did the work, you would pay me $75, can we compromise and you pay me $50 today?"

    You might not get all you wanted, but it might be worth getting what you need.


    2 POINTS

  9. How old are you? If your parent(s) ask you to do a simple chore like that and you can't handle it without expecting payment, something is wrong with you. That is why so many kids are spoiled these days.

  10. You should really talk to your mom and just in a nice way remind her that she still hasn't paid you the money and that you have finished both jobs.  Tell her you wouldn't ask again but you need the money to help you pay a bill that is coming due.  That you aren't going to just waste the money on stupid stuff.

    Talk it out with your mom and tell her how you feel if she still doesn't pay you.

  11. hold a knife to her face and ask her, youll get too in 1, youll be on an epazoide of jerry springer and get paid, happpy days

  12. Take her before Judge Judy.  Judge Judy will eat your mom for breakfast and you will have the whole house to yourself.

  13. Talk to your Mom about it and show her the bill you need to pay.

    I hope the two of you can work it out.

  14. um.. no matter how old you are you're SUPPOSED to do those things for your parents. but just tell her you need the money or something.

  15. Yeaa i think your right .. u need to talk to her and try to figure out this situaion

  16. Tell her that you did the work and she owes you. Odds are she just forgot.

  17. tell her to pay up and explain why you need it

  18. If you are living there, you shouldn't get paid for every little job.  Maybe she doesn't have the money at the moment.  Have you asked her why she isn't paying you?

  19. when i read this i just laughed because it happened too many times with my mom and me and my sisters except at that time i just wanted money for candy or shopping

    i say talk to her so she knows why you need to money. paying bills is important so i think she'll understand

    and if shes says something like "you're my child, i shouldnt have to pay you, its your responsibility"

    dont yell, just ttry to understand what she's saying and try to understand where you're coming from too.  

  20. sit her down and talk to her! you are entitled to the money if she said she would give it.

  21. If it was made clear before doing the job that you will be paid, then she will need to pay you.  Even if mother-child relationship exists and you may be eating her food (and I don't know this), if an agreement was made, it needs to be honored.

    Giver her a quick reminder and see what happens.  Other than a gentle reminder followed by not so gentle reminder, this is a family matter.  There isn't a whole a lot you can do about this, other than to build an emergency fund/buffer money for the future, so that you can ride out these situations.

    Good luck.

  22. wow your moms a ***** lol

  23. Threaten to get into drugs and stuff

  24. just confront her about the payment

  25. try telling your mom your sicuwayion and if that dosen't work i'm sorry i can't help you

  26. umm do you have to day for food rent light or any thing like that this F it talk it up as a loss and think about it when she is old she will be at your will  

  27. this really should be solved with your mum.

    tell her you need the money urgently and its only right to get payed.

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