
I did work for a company and did not get paid.?

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I live in New Hampshire, I did work in Massachusettes, for a company from Clearwater, Florida. The Business at the location, I did the work filed for chapter 11. The business did not pay the contractor and even though the Contractor agreed to pay me, I have been left in the dark about when and how they will pay me. The work is complete and everyone is happy with my services but it has been over 30 days since completion. Where do I stand and what are my options. Someone mentioned a Mechanics Lien, What is it, how do I get one?




  1. So this business you do is mechanic work?  Ok, then a lien is useful.  You want to make sure the vehicle is locked up in your facility and go file with the county against this person who owes you.  My brother owns a diesel shop and goes through this kind of concept some times.

  2. You say the company that went Bankrupt owed the contractor you work for money correct ? If so the contractor still owes you , whom ever you work for owes you. You can place a lein on the property, also you should see if you can qualify as an actual employee of the company instead of being a independent contractor, That way you file a claim with the labor board in your state, There are 30 qualifiers that actually establish someone as an  independant contractor. You can file a lein yourself go to the clerk of the courts in the county the work was performed in. and ask the clerk, If they won't offer any assistance, Do a search for other property leins filed in that county, ask the clerk to see the file, copy the actual filing documentation then copy it word for word substituting the correct names dates and dollar amounts and file it with the clerk, also add a reasonable amount for legal time, get quotes from some attorneys so your within your limitations, Also check with the lumber yard to get a copy of their form for leins they do it all the time, As for Bankruptcy make sure you find the Bankruptcy case and file a claim with the trustee in the case , you also have a right to contest the Bankrupcy which they don't want so they may exclude you it gets complicated, but Don't let a contractor tell you I didn't get paid so you don't get paid, If thats what your saying They owe you.

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