
I didn't get high the 2 times I have smoke Marijuana ?

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Last night I smoked weed for the second time ever. The first time, was about a year ago and I only had like 2 hits off a joint. This time it was 2 big blunts but there were 4 of us. I probably took about 13 big hits total.

The first time I ever smoked it I didn't feel any different. This time I felt kinda different but not much. I just got a little light headed but it was weird cuz I could like feel and hear my heart beating like really well.

So my question is, Why did not get real high, the other people I was smoking with were pretty high, but I was just like 'buzzed' to say the most. What was your first time like?

Also the light headedness could have been from alcohol, I had a coupld shots, and like 1 beer.

Please don't try and be my mother and tell me how I am ******* my life up.

I think I inhaled right tho too, I mean I took it all the way in my lungs and held it there.




  1. It might be fake,

    they say the first time you dont get high because you dont know what it feels like and you wouldnt recognize the feeling.

    If you want to get high dont drink alcohol with it.

    Did everyone else get high?

    maybe weed is just not your thing, some people like it and some people dont.

  2. You should try a gravity hit, like w/ a plastic bottle or smoke through a bong.

  3. Your mother would be ashamed with you ******* up your life and all. Also, maybe you didn't care to get high and that's why you never got high. I wouldn't know though cause I've never done drugs.  

  4. I have heard that some people don't really get high the first time, I don't know if its true or not cuz my first time I got baked.  Anyways I can't see how anyone could be immune to it give it another try.  Sounds like you inhaled properly and even if you didnt 13 tokes you would likely have absorbed enough.  Give it a few more tries.  

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