
I didn't get my schedule.?

by  |  earlier

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They always mail them, and everyone got theirs except me.

Should I call the school?




  1. call them

  2. Call the school and find out. They'll help you.

  3. call the school, something may have happened you can never be too sure  

  4. Yeah, give them a call. Havey ou moved recently? They might've sent it to the wrong address or lost it.

  5. I would call the school or go to the school by Friday afternoon.

  6. yes call the school.

  7. Yes call the school and ask to re-mail it or leave it waiting for you to pick up

  8. call them, check online(school website) email the school or find out on the first day

  9. Yes definatly it might of just got lost in the mail but you should check at least.

  10. You can wait a few days to see what happens. If you don't get it within the next few days, call the school. I was gonna say to have a friend lend you theirs but now that I think of it, you may not have the same schedule as they do.

  11. DUH  

  12. im in high skool in i have to go get mine ... well if ur other friends got theirs n u didnt then of course call the skool !!!!!

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